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Best or Worst
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TOPIC: Best or Worst
Shrine Girl
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Re:Best or Worst 16 Years, 6 Months ago Karma: 32
A good, long snooze.

Worst teenage act you committed?
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Last Edit: 2008/09/04 07:42 By naqaashi.

I claimed Sesshoumaru\'s dismembered left arm in the Dokuga Claim Game.

Master Weird-Outer of Dokuga. My tool of choice? A sentient sewing machine called Lord Ew that likes to spew technicoloured handkerchiefs embellished with the stuff that nightmares and crack-fics are made of.
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Shrine Girl
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Re:Best or Worst 16 Years, 6 Months ago Karma: 32
Sorry, ignore this, I'm an idiot with bazookas for hands.
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Last Edit: 2008/09/04 07:38 By naqaashi.

I claimed Sesshoumaru\'s dismembered left arm in the Dokuga Claim Game.

Master Weird-Outer of Dokuga. My tool of choice? A sentient sewing machine called Lord Ew that likes to spew technicoloured handkerchiefs embellished with the stuff that nightmares and crack-fics are made of.
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Re:Best or Worst 16 Years, 6 Months ago Karma: 10
Possessed- I didn't go out with him, but I did keep the napkin to show my friends.

so many acts to choose from. We use to take construction cones and block off random streets.

What was your worst job?
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Re:Best or Worst 16 Years, 6 Months ago Karma: 0
I once worked for K-Mart for 2 months during the Christmas shopping season. The supervisors and coworkers were mean, petty, and cold. I can take just about any job as long as the people I work with are decent. I quit the day after Christmas. From then on, I only took jobs I thought would be interesting, or that would teach me something. I am currently thinking about learning to drive a school bus... They'll teach you for free here!

Best Job?
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Re:Best or Worst 16 Years, 6 Months ago Karma: 0
Bar wench at the rennisance festival in az. Everyone wears costumes, and talks in accents. And drunk perverted old man can't tell the difference between a five and a fifty for a tip. Not to mention the people you have to cut off. I remember one day i was holding the walkie talkie and my supervisor came on and was like "Notice to all stands, there is a woman wearing a clear shower curtain and nothing else walking around groping men. Do not serve her anymore alchohol." I don't think i ever laughed so hard. EVER!

Best Seasoning.
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Last Edit: 2008/09/04 20:14 By .
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Shrine Girl
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Re:Best or Worst 16 Years, 6 Months ago Karma: 32
Italian salad seasonings and if you're looking for just one - oregano.

Worst egg dish you've ever had?
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I claimed Sesshoumaru\'s dismembered left arm in the Dokuga Claim Game.

Master Weird-Outer of Dokuga. My tool of choice? A sentient sewing machine called Lord Ew that likes to spew technicoloured handkerchiefs embellished with the stuff that nightmares and crack-fics are made of.
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Re:Best or Worst 16 Years, 6 Months ago Karma: 10
Egg drop soup because it gave me food poisoning. I can't even look at it without getting nauseous.

What is the best time of year?
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Re:Best or Worst 16 Years, 6 Months ago Karma: 0
Fall. The leaves change color, the smell of a wood burning fireplace, warm knobby sweaters, the kids are in school...

Your partner's worst habit.
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Miss Kagura
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Re:Best or Worst 16 Years, 6 Months ago Karma: 51
Wearing shoes without socks. After awhile, sneakers just start to smell terrible! He will take his shoes off in the car sometimes and it's like being gassed with a stink bomb!

What's the best sneaker brand
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Re:Best or Worst 16 Years, 6 Months ago Karma: 0
OMG that would have to be airwalk! Do they even make those any more? I loved them.

Best toothpaste?
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Re:Best or Worst 16 Years, 6 Months ago Karma: 0
I'm a Crest kid. I have no cavities.

Your best homemade dish. (I make a great chicken tortellini soup.)
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Beat Cop
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Re:Best or Worst 16 Years, 6 Months ago Karma: -666
I make really good guacamole. Even the old, mexicana ladies who taste it are impressed and that's saying a lot if you know any old, mexicana ladies. The real trip is that I absolutely hate with a passion... avocados. I love making it, but I will never eat it.

What is your worst bug (spider, ants, scorpions, etc) incident?
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Re:Best or Worst 16 Years, 6 Months ago Karma: 0
oooh it took me a minute but i remembered thanks to a-kay cause i looked at her profile. One night me and my friend were driving through louisiana and we got off to get gas. Well sometimes in louisiana when you get of the highway there isn't al ways an on ramp back on so we started to drive down this old desolate road. So all of a sudden the road ends. So i get out so i can direct her into doing a three poit turn. The whole time i feel like my hair i touching my face. So as she's tuning she shined her brights towards the tree's. i never screamed so loud in my life. the entire area was covered with huge spider webs i mean huge covering the entire tree's canopy everything. And in these webs were big black and yellow spideres the sze of my hand.The webs were hat was brushing agains my face. It was so scary needless to say her three point turn ended up being an 90 point turn and we never got off the highway again until georgia.

Best award you recieved.
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Re:Best or Worst 16 Years, 6 Months ago Karma: 0
ladybattousai: I had a wolf spider (think mini tarantula) in my pajamas, between my breasts. I can relate to Miss Kagura's field rat dance...
That's funny you don't eat avocados, but you make killer guacamole!

Nobody: You weren't driving then? Your adventures behind the wheel crack me up!

I once got an "award" for reclaiming 8 million dollars in 4 months in unpaid returns. I was basically the bill collector, though it was not my job. No money came with this "award", just a piece of paper. Then they wanted to send to their other facilities so I could straighten them out. I said I'd go, but for 10% of anything I collected. (At the time, the going rate was 20%.) They declined my offer.
Why is this the best? The look on their faces when I made my offer was priceless. They could not force me to go, as I was union at the time. It still tickles me... I still have the "award".

Worst type of first date. (movies, clubbing, dinner, etc...)
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Last Edit: 2008/09/05 22:01 By .
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Beat Cop
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Re:Best or Worst 16 Years, 5 Months ago Karma: -666
The worst type of first date is the one where the guy you're on a date with refuses to call it a date, but instead calls it "hanging out". He then takes you to a farmer's market where he doesn't buy you any dinner and somehow miraculously believes he deserves a kiss by the end.

And when you don't show any interest, he finds out your AIM username through trial and error and harasses you for two hours on why women are mean because you have no interest in "hanging out" in the future.

What is the best kind of massage?
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Re:Best or Worst 16 Years, 5 Months ago Karma: 0
oh dear god lady battousai that sounds quite horrible. next time a man asks me if i want to hang out at the farmers market and if i have aim i'm going to have to decline.

Ha deep tissue massage. I once had a customer who did that for living and asked me to go to his clinic. So i did. So when i got there, he was the only one there. I asked him where my female massager was and he laughed an said it was him that would be working with me. So i go into the room and he tells me to take off all of my clothes. Then i asked him if i could keep on my bra and uderwear. Of course not. So i had to sit there durring the most painful massage i have ever had completely naked with a man who came into my work. But i never felt better the next day. Even though it was insanly akward.

Best salad?
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Re:Best or Worst 16 Years, 5 Months ago Karma: 52
Caesar Salad, IMO.

Worst ship you've ever been on?
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Re:Best or Worst 16 Years, 5 Months ago Karma: 0
i have never been on a boat or ship....

Worst type of food?
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Re:Best or Worst 16 Years, 5 Months ago Karma: 0
Any type of organ meat... no pun intended. Heart, brain, liver, intestines...Bleah!

Best food to eat while driving.
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Re:Best or Worst 16 Years, 5 Months ago Karma: 0
oooo i would have to say a mcdonalds the only time i eat that junk is when i'm on an insanly long road trip. SOmething about three thousand miles really makes me want a bigmac.

Worst food to eat while driving? (sorry possessed i'm stealing your idea)
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Re:Best or Worst 16 Years, 5 Months ago Karma: 10
Taco Bell tacos. The lettuce gets everywhere!!

Best brand of shampoo?
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Beat Cop
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Re:Best or Worst 16 Years, 5 Months ago Karma: -666
I'd have to say Tresemme for me personally. A while back, I was having a hard time finding shampoo that didn't cause my hair to fall out. Then I found this shampoo. Inexpensive, but with quality ingredients. You can't beat that.

What is the best body spray scent? (roses, freesias, etc.)
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Re:Best or Worst 16 Years, 5 Months ago Karma: 0
I can't believe you said that! I have to use Suave, otherwise, my hair falls out. I've had silver-dollar sized bald spots before, and doesn't that look attractive!

I like the smell of vanilla. I'm also partial to lilac. The scents have to be really light, though, strong perfumes turn my stomach. I laugh whenever I read about Sess or Inuyasha having to cover their nose, I can relate!

Worst household chore. (I HATE dusting.)
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Miss Kagura
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Re:Best or Worst 16 Years, 5 Months ago Karma: 51
Vaccuuming. Who isn't creeped out by the vaccuum cleaner? It looks creepy, and after I saw 'The Brave Little Toaster' as a child, I began to wonder what their agenda is.

Best household chore
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Re:Best or Worst 16 Years, 5 Months ago Karma: 0
I loved the brave little toaster!

Um i would have to say shoving everything under the bed is the best household chore.

Best room in your house?
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