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Best or Worst
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Re:Best or Worst 16 Years, 5 Months ago Karma: 0
I have to agree with Miss Kagura about The Brave Little Toaster... It creeped me out! Dogs try to warn us about the vacuum cleaner. I've never had one yet that liked it.

I LOVE my bedroom. Everything I like is here. It is my sanctuary!

Best song to sing along with, car or home. I sing in the car...loudly. I often wonder what other drivers think...
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Beat Cop
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Re:Best or Worst 16 Years, 5 Months ago Karma: -666
Two of my favorites are "One" by U2 (I love how poetic the lyrics are) and "All These Things That I've Done" by The Killers (for the "I've got soul, but I'm not a soldier" refrain)

What is the best type of pet?
(I have koi fish. Anything that stays in a box and is always happy to see you is the best in my opinion.)
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Re:Best or Worst 16 Years, 5 Months ago Karma: 10
Wait... you keep your fish in a box? PETA!!!!!!!

Anyways, best pet is an old dog that is content to sleep all day.

Worst cloth texture?
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Re:Best or Worst 16 Years, 5 Months ago Karma: 16
a tee-shirt with static-cling.

Best way to end a day?
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Miss Kagura
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Re:Best or Worst 16 Years, 5 Months ago Karma: 51
The best way to end the day is to say, "I'm not in the mood," eat some cake, and then go to sleep.

What's the worst accent?
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Re:Best or Worst 16 Years, 5 Months ago Karma: 0
mmm i love cake. The worst accent is a mexican accent. You know the guys that stand outside the gas stations and whistle and then yell out "Chu-no u want me." makes me nuts. Chu-no i don't!

BEst type of cake.
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Re:Best or Worst 16 Years, 5 Months ago Karma: 10
I love red velvet cake with chocolate frosting.

What is the best vacation place?
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Re:Best or Worst 16 Years, 5 Months ago Karma: 0
omg wawa that is my favorite cake ever!!

Well my favorite is the arizona hot springs. I go every year its a 11 mile canoe trip down the colorado. The first stop is a sauna cave where a hot spring erupted in a mine shaft and now its just a cave filled with hot water. Then you stop at gold strike and sit under the hot spring waterfall for a nice water massage. Then you go to the raining cave. Then we stop at the actual az hotsprings where there are three pools and you have to climb up a water fall to get to them. We camp on the colorado river for a few days. The we canoe to the emerald cave and finally to th beach where we are picked up. It is the best place ever to go ever. Unless you pass it but thats a totally different story.

worst hair story?
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Re:Best or Worst 16 Years, 5 Months ago Karma: 0
Nobody wrote: mmm i love cake. The worst accent is a mexican accent. You know the guys that stand outside the gas stations and whistle and then yell out "Chu-no u want me." makes me nuts. Chu-no i don't!
Do you hear that a lot where you are?
You get Karma for that. It made me laugh, and I needed that.

My brother, who has a Himalayan cat, was half-listening to a lecture by my father. He was rolling up cat hair gleaned from the chair into balls and dropping them into his empty Coke can while waiting for the lecture to end. Realizing the lecture about the U.S.S. BISMARK was NEVER going to end, he totally forgot what he was doing, and went to drain the dregs from the aforementioned Coke can. He half swallowed the hair balls and went into a truly frightening choking/coughing fit, which we all laughed at when we heard what happened. How many people can say they hacked up their cat's hairball... Glad it wasn't me!

Best dog story.
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Last Edit: 2008/09/10 07:50 By .
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Re:Best or Worst 16 Years, 5 Months ago Karma: 52
The Best dog story? I dunno, the dog I used to have wasn't good at too many things. Probably the best thing he ever did was mark his territory on the bare leg of an older snooty next door neighbor.

Best Dog Breed?
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Re:Best or Worst 16 Years, 5 Months ago Karma: 1
Terrier. Small, possibly fluffy, a bit yappish, but so nice to snuggle with.

Best camping story?
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Last Edit: 2008/09/10 11:13 By EternalSorrow. Reason: Stupid spelling errors...
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Re:Best or Worst 16 Years, 5 Months ago Karma: 0
Ok this is going to be long so go get a drink, maybe use the rest room i'll give you a moment.............................

Ok so last year me and my boss and two coworkers went on a canoe tip. I had gone before but not in November. So first of our sleeping bags roll into the rushing river and we had to chase them with really long sticks. Now i must explain that in November the water on the Colorado is considerably low so its fast and rough.

So none of the girls i'm with have canoed before. The rapids were crazy, we all thought we were going to die. So we stop a few times eat recover. I kept telling them that last time i went it wasn't like this.

So because the water is so low all of our destinations are 10 feet higher in the air so we have to climb ropes to get to everything. So were going its finally calm and i'm tying to find the marker that shows us where we should set up camp. I haven't seen it.

So then i decide to stop so we can figure out where the heck we are. So we stop at a beach, now the water is lower so a beach now is not a beach most of the year. So we get out of our canoes and sink 3 feet into think sulfuric mud. One of us lost their shoes and the other fell head first into the foul smelling mud and was covered head to toe.

Then we realize we have passed our campsite by a mile and a half. Now the water is rushing. So we try to go up stream and we cant. So i tied the two canoes together (very dangerous don't do it.) and we go up. It took us 7 hours to go up 1 mile. When it only took us 20 minutes to come down.

Then we get to a point where we can't go any further. So i get out and hike the cliff and drag the two canoes the quarter mile that was left. Needless to say we all went to sleep and had never been so sore in my life. THen we were woken up by a man named Steve who wanted us to go back to his tent and drink wine. "No steve." we all said in unison every time he came by. We stayed there for a week.

On the third day a man and his wife and their children are canoeing past our beach. The mast stops on the beach but his wife wasn't fast enough. Now all four of us know that f she keeps going she won't be able to come back up stream because its just her. So two of us jump into the 32 degree water and the others grab a rope and we swim out to her, to get her and her daughter so they wouldn't be separated. Needless to say when we finally got home we were exhausted but we had a blast.

Sorry it was so long

Best road trip story.
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Re:Best or Worst 16 Years, 5 Months ago Karma: 0
This is another long one. If you have read it before, just fast forward to the end...

My younger brother, Jeff, was driving the two of us out to my grandmother's funeral last year. He had the Sirius tuned to a station that only plays music from the 40's. This is a ten hour drive. We're talking at first, but conversation drifts away gradually. I'm looking out the windows, and listening to the music.

My brain is never bored, and I have no control over it where it goes or what it thinks. My brain notices the liberal use of maracas in the music. I can't help myself.

"You know, Jeff, I took 6 years of maraca lessons. I started out taking triangle lessons, but I had to give it up. The part for the triangle always comes at the end of a piece. I'm so bored by that time, I'm not paying attention anymore, and I always miss my cue. That's when I decided to switch over to maracas."

I look out of the corner of my eye at him. He is just driving, both hands on the wheel, staring straight ahead. He knows I am full of shit, but he also knows not to encourage me. He looks like he is not listening, but I know better.

"Most people think there's nothing to it, but really, it's not as easy as it looks. You have to hold them the right way, not too tight, not too loose. Then you have to have the proper wrist motion to get the correct snapping action. It is not just mindless shaking."

I glance over at him again. He has not moved. Well, actually, I think that muscle in his jaw is getting tighter...

"And not just any gourd is suitable to become a maraca. It has to be the proper size and shape. I didn't take the class where you can grow your own, but I wanted to. And don't even get me started on the whole painting process! What an undertaking! Most people don't realize the time and skill that goes into getting the picture just right on not ONE but TWO, so they match."

He is still just staring straight out the windshield. My work is done. All I have to do is wait. The rest of the drive is spent working a crossword puzzle, looking at the scenery, buying gas and lunch etc.

We get to the hotel 3 hours later and meet up with my older brother, Jack. We change clothes and get into Jeff's car to head over to the funeral home. I sit in the back. The car starts up and the 40's music begins to play. We're no sooner out of the parking lot, when Jack says, "What do you have playing?"
Jeff tells him it is the station that only plays music from the 40's. Jack remarks, "They sure do use a lot of maracas in it..."

I could not believe my ears! So I said, "You know, I took 6 years of maraca lessons..." Jack turns around and says "Really?"

Jeff can take it no longer. "NO! Of course not! Who takes 6 years of maraca lessons? NOBODY! That's who! Why would you believe something like that?"

Jack looks at him and says, "Well, you never know with her..." Jeff yells "Yeah, but not 6 years!"

(I thought it was interesting they fully believed I would take maraca lessons, just not 6 years of them.)

When I get back home, my M-I-L, asks how the trip was. We are all at the table at her house, 19 people, everyone all talks at once, as usual. I started to tell her about the maraca story. Apparently, she is only half listening, because I found out later, she did not understand I was yanking my brother's chain. She told all her friends, and the ladies at the beauty shop, that her D-I-L took 6 years of maraca lessons. They must think I am an idiot, I mean, WHO takes 6 YEARS of maraca lessons? I guess I do...

Best Halloween Costume You Ever Made/Saw.
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Last Edit: 2008/09/11 14:08 By .
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Beat Cop
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Re:Best or Worst 16 Years, 5 Months ago Karma: -666
There are so many, but I'll go with the craziest one. Every year at Halloween, my friends and I do a themed party. One year it was Alice and Wonderland Another year it was Pirates vs. Ninjas. Make your own superhero. Create your own career. And it goes on.

A couple years ago we did a "deity" themed party. I get it in my head to do the Egyptian goddess, Isis. I bought an exotic necklace, cuffs and a neat snake bracelet that wraps around your arm. I made a skirt and top fashioned after the clothing of the time. Then I ordered online, two tubs of gold body paint.

I was shimmering gold wherever my skin was exposed and that was a lot of places. It was "awesome". There were drawbacks, because there has to be some. For one, I had the Midas touch and left little fingerprints and what not wherever I went. Eating food or sitting down was always negotiation, because of it.

Plus I couldn't drive home, so I had to shower at my friend's apartment where the party was being hosted. You really know who your friends are when they're scrubbing gold paint off your back.

What was you worst trick or treat experience?
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Re:Best or Worst 16 Years, 5 Months ago Karma: 10
My friend's boyfriend dressed up as a banana hammock. He put on a banana suit and tied a hammock around himself. I couldn’t stop laughing.

What is the worst halloween costum?
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Miss Kagura
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Re:Best or Worst 16 Years, 5 Months ago Karma: 51
Birthday suit.

What's the best kind of alcohol?
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Re:Best or Worst 16 Years, 5 Months ago Karma: 0
Banana Rum!!

Worst toe story?
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Miss Kagura
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Re:Best or Worst 16 Years, 5 Months ago Karma: 51
I was going into the sliding doors at a grocery store and one slid over my big toe. The sensor was dirty, apparently.

Best water activity.
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Re:Best or Worst 16 Years, 5 Months ago Karma: 0
That would have to be tubing, but not in az. EWWWWW

Best childhood song?
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Re:Best or Worst 16 Years, 5 Months ago Karma: 0
"I'm bringin' home a baby bumblebee"

Best remedy for a cold
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Miss Kagura
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Re:Best or Worst 16 Years, 5 Months ago Karma: 51
Eucalyptus bath oil.

Worst place to get a rash.
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Re:Best or Worst 16 Years, 5 Months ago Karma: 0
Roof of the mouth. Don't ask.

Best teacher you've had.
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Re:Best or Worst 16 Years, 5 Months ago Karma: 14
My Spanish teacher in high school and/or our American Lit. teacher, Mr. Brillmeir - he was crazy, but he was brilliant. Ironic that he also taught Psychology.

Worst hair cut you ever had.
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Beat Cop
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Re:Best or Worst 16 Years, 5 Months ago Karma: -666
When I was a kid I used to never comb my hair. So every so often I'd have a massive rat's nest of snarled hair attached to the back of my head. With the utmost un-gentleness, my mom would brush it out and then I would let it go again.

This happened over and over until one day my mom took me to get my hair cut and all of it nearly came off. I had a boy's hair cut. Ever since then I combed it without fail and I refuse to have short hair ever again (my hair presently goes down to my butt).

What is your worst incident with a computer (virus, hard drive failure, blue screen of death, etc.)?
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Re:Best or Worst 16 Years, 5 Months ago Karma: 0
I used to manage a print company. And this little old man came in and wanted me to type his christmas letter. Of course i agreed. Then he handed it to me. It was 50 pages front and back writen in the most complex yet sloppy cursive i have ever encountered. It was boring. So after 22 hours of typing and deciphering the damn letter. The hard drive on the computer died and i lost it all. It was horrible because i had to retype it on my laptop.

Worst electronic story.
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