Having vanished for at time to clean up and plot her revenge against the wicked kumo (really dude... a wench?) and everyone else, Whisper once more steps into the pie forum to look around. It's quite obvious everyone has been busy what with the pies splattered everywhere.
"Well time to get to work." She says to herself before darting off with such speed that she is but a blur to everyone around. (Yup that's right, I've borrowed Kagome's Deathly powers so I'm even faster than Sesshy now Bwuahahahahaha)
Quick as lightning she starts exacting her revenge, after smacking Evenstar and Dany-sama in the faces with two key lime pies, she heads over to her Ebil Twin to find her still gloating over the fact she'd gotten her with a pie the night before. So before Wicked even has a chance to contemplate the meaning of silly string, Whisper trips her and sends her face first into the mother of all banana cream pies.
"Have fun getting out of that one twin!" Whisper calls out before zipping out of there in search of her next victim.
She just so happens to come up on Itsy, who is currently sitting in the middle of her web and grumbling about fishsticks and gummy bears

With a shake of her head, she sneaks up on the unsuspecting spider, and before she can say 'who's your daddy' she finds herself covered in honey and Skye's super sticky pink glitter.
"Good luck washing that out!" Whisper cackles before taking off once more.
Her next target turns out to be Saffie, and oh does that girl have it coming to her. Whisper finds the Lady grumbling about something or other and before she can blink, Whisper opens up a portal to the land of Teletubbies- who just so happen to be working on an episode of how to make mud pies (Mwuahahaha)- and sends her flying into it.
"Good luck getting out of that!" Whisper calls out to her before the portal closes, effectively ensuring Saffie's down and out for the count... at least for awhile.
And last but not least, Whisper sets out to exact her revenge upon the evil Naraku. The plan she has is flawless and designed to ensure the maximum amount of torture (you can even ask TangerineDream if ya don't believe me!!Mwuahahaha)
She finds the evil kumo hiding behind a tree while contemplating who else to take out; so in his moment of distraction, Whisper begins her plan by rustling the branches to catch his attention before zipping away so she's not spotted.
From a distance she watches as the kumo turns around before grinning lecherously as he spots a clothing item (I stole Kagome's unmentionables for this LOL) And being the perv (we know it, don't lie!) that he is, Naraku cannot help but walk over to it, and not far off he spots another item.
Slowly he starts to follow the trail of clothing until it ends in another seemingly harmless clearing, but Whisper waits until he reaches the end of the line before pulling another rope suspended above her head.
With that she watches as gallons of vegetable oil is released to trip the kumo up; laughing maniacally she watches as he slips and is carried straight through a door that magically opens.
"What is this!" Narakus calls out.
"That," Whisper says as she floats over to the door to avoid the oil. "Is TangerineDreams Special Barney closet."
Naraku's eyes widen in horror as he scrambles to get out only to find the floor has been drenched with oil and pie filling of every kind, making it to slippery for him to get to his feet and even his tentacles are useless.
"Once the door closes Barney's theme song will start playing." Whisper said casually as she inspected her nails. "And Tanger and I are the only two who have keys to the door, so once I close it... there is no escape for you until one of us opens it."
"Curse you wench!" He exclaims as he tries harder to get to the door only to slip and land face first in the mess.
"Witch maybe... but not a wench." She cackles before grabbing the door. "Have fun!"
"Nooooooo!" He wails as she pulls the door closed and with a twist of the key, locks it.
Naraku looks around frantically as music starts to play and as soon as the words begin he starts to scream.
"I love you, you love me, we're a happy family..."
BWUAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA That should learn ya not to mess with me!!

Tee hee hee... but alas your only lucky I'm not so cruel... there's one way to get out of that room.. sorry Tanger but I modified it a bit... so if he can find it then he can get out... come on I can't be
that mean.