Just a thought on priestly powers and mating 14 Years, 7 Months ago
Karma: 4
Sort of another reason why Kagome wouldn't loose her power after mating with Sesshoumaru.
Miko/Monk + Human = loss of powers, no power to exchange or return
Miko + Monk = Maintain power, power is exchanged and returned
Miko/Monk + Youkai = Same as miko and monk mating.
What do you think?
Last Edit: 2010/07/27 18:05 By Mystic Hanyou.
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Re:Just a though on priestly powers and mating 14 Years, 7 Months ago
Karma: 9
Well, I think that sacred powers shouldn't be lost at all after mating or marriage.
I just always thought about miko powers as some kind of dower. I mean if it would be just a gift that get only some rare individual there wouldn't be any true miko or monk in few years. I think it could be passed ability. I always thought in that way about Kikyou and Kaede-they both had powers, it's sound logical for me that they inherited them after their parent or some earlier ancestor.
That's why I agree that if Kagome mated Sesshoumaru she wouldn't lose her powers.
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Re:Just a though on priestly powers and mating 14 Years, 7 Months ago
Karma: 4
Don't get me wrong. I agree with you. But this just poped into my head today. Just one more argument for all. Althought she could lose her powers and still pass the gene on. And there is the thought that only Miko are cursed to have their powers taken, while Monks don't appear to have that problem. Not that I have read.
Although where did Kagome get her powers from? Gramps doesn't seem like he had much to pass on.
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Re:Just a though on priestly powers and mating 14 Years, 7 Months ago
Karma: 16
I always thought that the miko/monk/ holy priestly powers were not inherited or dependent/effected by outside sources. (Other than countering dark powers or auras.)
For example, when Kagome's powers ended up sealed at one point they were only that. Sealed. When the seal was broken her powers returned to their full force and completely in tact.
The strength of a miko appears to be linked to the strength of a soul, and we all know that Kagome's is a reincarnation. In some parts of the world it is believed that the older the soul, the stronger it is.(I think Shintou believes in reincarnation? ot 100%) So part of the reason (as stated) for Kagome being a strong miko is that her soul is the reincarnation of a previously very powerful miko. Kind of like... it stacks over time.
I do not believe that her mating with Sesshoumaru would dampen her powers in the very least since her powers are tied with her soul... and you don't lose your soul when you mate.
There use to be an Egyptian/ Greek saying that if you touched a Priest or Priestess of a God or Goddess that that priest or priestess would lose their abilities because the God/ Goddess in their rage would take their power away. It has also been shown that it was a way to keep the guards from molesting men/ women who often times were weakened from fasting and alone most of the time.
Last Edit: 2010/07/27 18:29 By Terri Delgado.
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Re:Just a though on priestly powers and mating 14 Years, 7 Months ago
Karma: 4
You know I can't remember where it is even stated that miko lost their powers if they mated or were to marry. Does anyone now if this is an actual Shinto belief?
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Re:Just a though on priestly powers and mating 14 Years, 7 Months ago
Karma: 9
I can't answer about Shinto beliefs, but I think the idea that the miko would lost their power after mating were taken from the Kikyou's words that when the Jewel woul be purified she would become a normal women an she would be with Inuyasha. I don't really remember any other mention about it in the story.
Besides why Kgaome should lose her power after mating with Sesshoumaru? At the end of the manga it was suggested that she was married to Inuyasha and she still was a miko? So if that works with haynou why not with full youkai 
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Posts: 237
Re:Just a thought on priestly powers and mating 14 Years, 7 Months ago
Karma: 10
I don't think she'd lose her powers...but I had the sort of mean but funny idea of her not thinking about it during the mating and zapping the hell out of poor Sesshomaru...
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Re:Just a though on priestly powers and mating 14 Years, 7 Months ago
Karma: 47
Sophie wrote:
I can't answer about Shinto beliefs, but I think the idea that the miko would lost their power after mating were taken from the Kikyou's words that when the Jewel woul be purified she would become a normal women an she would be with Inuyasha. I don't really remember any other mention about it in the story.
Besides why Kgaome should lose her power after mating with Sesshoumaru? At the end of the manga it was suggested that she was married to Inuyasha and she still was a miko? So if that works with haynou why not with full youkai
I can't say that I am an expert on this subject, either. But as far as Kikyou saying that she could live as a normal woman after the Jewel was purified out of existence . . . I always took that to mean that the responsibility to guard the jewel was so great that she could not allow herself to be distracted with the additional responsibilities of having a husband and family. If she had just been a normal village priestess, she might still have been able to live that kind of life.
I can't be too sure about that because it does not seem like Kaede ever married, either. Still, I don't think it has anything to do with losing their powers, but more with the transference of responsibilities from those of the community to those of the family.
It has only been in fanfics that I have seen this idea about mikos losing their power after they have mated or married.
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Re:Just a though on priestly powers and mating 14 Years, 7 Months ago
Karma: 4
Thats been about all I have heard about it as well. And it does make since that mikos would not marry to keep their responsibilites less and not divided.
It just surprises me that authors have to make sure and mention that she kept her powers. In some they had to give a reason why she didn't lose them.
These were just some more thoughts. Hope someone can clue us in on Shinto beliefs.
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Re:Just a though on priestly powers and mating 14 Years, 7 Months ago
Karma: 52
It wasn't confirmed that Kagome was a priestess at the end of the Manga. She did wear Priestess Garb, but Kaede was only training her in the arts of herbs and remedies. We don't know if Kagome still has her powers or not.
One possibility is that Priestly powers depends on a person's purity, and that through mating to a demonic being, that particular person forfiets their purity and therefore their powers, although I could see demonic powers taking their place without said person becoming a half demon/demon.
It's really every author's individual take on the subject, although one theory will probably end up with wide acceptance moreso than the others. Sort of like the whole 'Beast' thing, which was FF invented and never existed in the Manga or Anime.
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Re:Just a though on priestly powers and mating 14 Years, 7 Months ago
Karma: 0
whats the beast thing???
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Re:Just a though on priestly powers and mating 14 Years, 7 Months ago
Karma: 4
It might be where youkai 'talk' to their Beast, their true form. Am I correct Walter?
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Re:Just a thought on priestly powers and mating 14 Years, 6 Months ago
Karma: 57
Interesting concept. Some fics have put that into practice with Kagome's abilities either being enhanced through her union with a youkai aka Mr. Fluffy via a soulbond or something, or 'flaring up' as in she fries him for being a little too 'up close and personal', or Kagome does the whole 'My miko aura is playing footsie with your Daiyoukai aura' 'cause like she's flirting with Mr. Fluffy-kins. Can't remember reading any fic that has her Miko abilities disappearing after getting hitched, and not sure on Shinto beliefs either.
Most likely though it could be the division of responsibilities thing with being a wife, and mother versus being a miko. Devotion to the village or to one's own family. Might not be such a tough trick for Kagome, since she's pretty knowledgable about youkai, shrine customs, and probably miko duties as well due to her family, friends, and adventures in the feudal era.
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Re:Just a thought on priestly powers and mating 14 Years, 5 Months ago
Karma: 1
My understanding was that traditionally, Mikos lost their power if they are tainted. Loss of virginity counting as tainting, no longer pure etc.
Though this really isn't a reason to make anyone loose their power in a story, I mean, this is fanfiction, you can add your own power dynamic and claim this traditional thought is wrong or anything you feel like. Maybe those miko thought they were tainted and so lost confidence in themselves etc etc.
My favourite concept with this is similar to Thomas Covenant, in that the youki stimulates Kagomes powers. Her power reacts against youki subsonsciously far greater than it does consciously. It would be active all the time; fighting off Sesshoumarus youki but never purifying it due to either it being to strong or resistant or her body accepting it but her powers not or anything you can think of. Basically her power could always be on alert as it is constantly fighting Sesshoumarus youki, far more readily available for her to call upon.
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Re:Just a thought on priestly powers and mating 14 Years, 5 Months ago
Karma: 15
I have read a few fictions where the writer's entertain the same notion/idea that I believe in concerning miko powers and mating.
Tradition does state that if they lose their purity, they lose their powers.
However I believe in a loose sense if they lose their purity of heart then they lose their powers, and that if mating a youkai then the priestess has to be strong in order to match the strength of the youkai.
So in other words...have/hold purity of heart retain your powers, lose your purity of heart either lose your powers or become a dark miko.
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