Inuyoukai and 'Horse' Youkai allied 14 Years, 1 Month ago
Karma: 1
I cannot recall any plot details besides the one.
Back when aaaages ago, the inuyoukai and "horse" youkai (I forget the term) formed an alliance/treaty/pact. There was a little inuyoukai girl and another little horse youkai girl present at a ceremony. The inuyoukai girl asks something along the lines of "why can't we eat them?" or "why are we allied with food?" or some such. There is understandable humour/tension at this, and the two girls end up fighting to a draw I believe, and the horse was poisoned by the dogs fangs but lives
Then later on, we see the two girls grown up and friends. This is not the point of the fic, far from it, but it is the only scene I remember clearly, the rest could be mixed up. I'm not even too sure if it is a SessKag, to be honest.
Anyone know this one? Any help is appreciated.
Last Edit: 2010/12/23 06:16 By Darrakk.
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Posts: 232
Re:Inuyoukai and 'Horse' Youkai allied 14 Years, 1 Month ago
Karma: 22
I can't remember the name but I do remember a few more details about it. The little inu was Sesh's cousin the horse ends up being her bff. They run a vet clinic in Kagome's time which Kagome take Sesh to after he's hurt. I think Kagome becomes an Inu Youki and Sesh is teaching her how to be a youki.
When Kagome first comes across Sesh he is alone staying in a cave, because certain times of the month he reverts back to his Inu.
I hope I haven't confussed anyone with my ramblings...lol
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Re:Inuyoukai and 'Horse' Youkai allied 14 Years, 1 Month ago
Karma: 1
Dokugans, I am disappointed. For shame. XD Sorry, couldn't help it. But seriously, no one knows which one this is? I've seen highly obscure, many years old incomplete fics that have been found within hours by the incredible people here, and yet no one knows the story with this unique detail?
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Re:Inuyoukai and 'Horse' Youkai allied 14 Years, 1 Month ago
Karma: 56
Well.... crap.... I read the story you're talking about and can't remember the name of it. I know that the girls, in their humaniod forms, talk to Kagome and Inuyasha at one point on the grounds of the shrine. They had a nickname for him or something. Well.... now that's going to bug me.
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Re:Inuyoukai and 'Horse' Youkai allied 14 Years, 1 Month ago
Karma: 1
Sigh. Doomed I say, DOOMED!
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Re:Inuyoukai and 'Horse' Youkai allied 14 Years, 1 Month ago
Karma: 216
does every chapter start off with " hello my name is kagome higurashi and this is my story?" if so i have that on my alert list, but that list has over 1200 names on it.. i cant remember which fic it is...
she surgically becomes a youkai using Sesshomaru's blood? if its the same fic i'm remembering.
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Re:Inuyoukai and 'Horse' Youkai allied 14 Years, 1 Month ago
Karma: 1
Maybe. That could be it, I know I read that one, but I can't be sure if it is the same one. I don't want to risk guessing any more details, else I will mix it up with everything else. Thats my trouble with fanfics, details blur.
Someone should list all the 'main' and 'noteable' fics with extensive spoilage summaries, tags for unique features and such so everyone can find what they are looking for. They wouldn't even have to do everything, make it a wiki type thing so people can add to it and such. Could even have subcatergories, why stop at genre when you can list which fanon things are used and so forth? I should so do this. Cept of course I wouldn't have the faintest idea how to start it. Or how to at all. I bet it already exists somewhere.
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Re:Inuyoukai and 'Horse' Youkai allied 14 Years, 1 Month ago
Karma: 216
My name is Kagome, and this is my Story » by Lady Luv of the East reviews
It started out simple enough, go back to the future and get surgery. Coming back a demoness and forced to join up with Sesshoumaru's pack... not so simple. Hi, my name is Kagome and this is my story.
Inuyasha - Rated: T - English - Romance/Humor - Chapters: 10 - Words: 27,282 - Reviews: 138 - Updated: 1-12-10 - Published: 12-5-08 - Sesshomaru & Kagome
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Re:Inuyoukai and 'Horse' Youkai allied 14 Years, 1 Month ago
Karma: 1
Still checking but I'm pretty sure this isn't it...
We shall see. Thanks anyway!
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Re:Inuyoukai and 'Horse' Youkai allied 14 Years, 1 Month ago
Karma: 1
Definitely not it, but I really appreciate the effort. Thanks anyway!
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Re:Inuyoukai and 'Horse' Youkai allied 14 Years, 1 Month ago
Karma: 18
I think this one is the one you seek:
For the Last Time by FluffysLady
Go to chapter "interlude: 'Kyra and Obsidian'
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Re:Inuyoukai and 'Horse' Youkai allied 14 Years, 1 Month ago
Karma: 1
Many thanks, I would never have found it alone.
I can't seem to find it anywhere else (besides ffnet), yet I swear I read it somewhere different... Oh well doesn't matter.
Thanks again, karma points for you!
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Re:Inuyoukai and 'Horse' Youkai allied 12 Years, 11 Months ago
Karma: 1
Hi, me again. I lost this story's name again (yeah I'm really bad like that), but I KNEW I had already asked about it, so I googled a little bit about it and this popped up again! THANKYOU AGAIN, YOU'RE THE BEST! *internet hugs*
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