Please also keep in mind that this site has rules prohibiting offensive reviews that gripe (unnecessarily, in my opinion) about whether or not the characters in the author's story are OOC.
One may point out, politely, that they feel the character is OOC, but one may NOT make a big deal out of it, like,
"OMG, your Sesshy is SOOO OOC, you need to FIXIT," or something of that nature. We all need to remember that our authors are writing THEIR story, NOT Takahashi-san's. Yes, we're using her characters, but how things develop in any given story is purely up to each individual author.
If you wish to give fair warning that your characters will be OOC, by all means, put it in an author's note - but don't feel obligated to do so. Ultimately, what you do with the characters that Takahashi-san has given us is up to YOU!
