see03 wrote:
Is there a way for us, as the authors, to keep an eye out for minors reviewing our work as well?
I'm not sure how to tell if a user is a minor, but it isn't difficult for someone like me, with fewer reviews, to take a glance at the profiles of each reviewer and send them a message, if it turns out they're a minor.
Wow, how did I miss this post??
I'm so sorry! Anyway, there really are very few ways for authors to know who's a minor or who isn't. Some recalcitrant minors, who have refused to provide us with their date of birth, have a warning to authors at the top of their profiles, stating that this member is a minor and to notify an Admin if they review your work.
The only other way is if the member has their age stated in their profile.
Even so, you should always alert an Admin rather than confront the minor yourself, please? We'll take it from there as, for first-time offenders, they are given a warning. Once a minor has been warned, however, the second offense results in profile deletion. There are no third chances after that, not even when the minor comes of age.
Yes, we're harsh on that point, but we need to be. Minors accessing mature material put the whole site in jeopardy. The Admins have worked far too hard keeping it going, and Miss Kagura worked WAY too hard creating it, for that to happen. Currently, we are hosting the largest archive of single-pairing stories I know of anywhere on the web... and I don't want to see that disappear because a minor felt they just HAD to read works above their age-rating.
Thank you so much for checking on this and, again, I'm terribly sorry that I missed seeing it for so long!
