FallenTenchi wrote:
As for phantom dog, I found "Maboroshi no inu" (I personally like this one alot)or if you want ruler dog you would find "Jogi Inu".
As for Sesshomaru's mother - and as per the anime and manga - she is known as Lady Mother that translate to "Josei no Hahaoya"(which is not what Jaken calls her in the anime but I don't understand exactly what he calls her). Some fans have name her "Inukimi" but if you are really looking for your own name Dark Butterfly translated to japanese is "Kurai Cho" and if you want Butterfly of Darkness is "Yami No Cho".
"Maboroshi" at least in my dictionary translates to 'phantom, vision, illusion, dream'. I don't know what kind of phantom you are looking for, but I think this word is primarily used for 'illusion', not the ghost-kind of phantom.
And when I checked up "jougi" (out of curiosity, as I had never heard the word before), I discovered it means ruler - as in the type with which you measure things.
I don't think "Josei no hahaoya" means Lady mother, judging on what Sessmama's actual adress is in the anime, and by the fact that "josei" means '(young) woman'. What Sessmama is adressed in the anime and manga is "Haha-ue", where "haha" means 'mother' and "ue" means (at least literally it does) 'above, higher' and this, I understand, has often been translated as "Lady Mother".
As for the Dark Butterfly, I'd recommend to stick with "yami", since I believe "kurai" has negative connotations, such as 'gloomy'. Unless, of course, you want to go for that effect.
I'm not really good enough in Japanese to help with the names, since I don't really know many kanji, and usually when several kanji are combined, the "secondary" readings are used. But go with what feels good to you. :3 Trust the gut instinct and what sounds good.
Translation is a tricky business, and sometimes the word you find from dictionary is not the right one to use. One should even consider carefully
what dictionary to use. Just a piece of advice from a student of translation studies.