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How do you?
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TOPIC: How do you?
Shrine Girl
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How do you? 15 Years, 4 Months ago Karma: 23
How do you get back into a 'writing mood'? I don't know if this will really count as writers block, cause I am not having trouble writing, I just don't want to write.

I've found that I bite off more then I can chew when it comes to writing( I think I have about six active stories right now.) I have decided to put them all on hold and just finish one story at a time and then post the remaining chapters. One of my stories has about three to four chapters left till its finished, but I just can't get into the mood to sit down and write.

I'm getting distracted by either wanting to plays sims, read manga or watch anime. >.<; It's really bothersome. I try and take an hour and just write, but whatever I do end up writing comes out as bleh.

So, does anyone have any tips on how to get out of this slump? Or has anyone ever been in a slump like this when you know you need to focus on writing so you can finish your story. But you just can't get that I dunno, that spark I guess to really get into a writing mood? How did you get out of it?
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Re:How do you? 15 Years, 4 Months ago Karma: 17
I think some of the same rules for writer's block apply here. You need inspiration to repopulate your plot bunnies. I know that sometimes I don't feel like writing, yet when I get an idea in my head, I let it stew for a couple of days before I write it down.

Just relax, and don't try to force it. It you try to force yourself to write, what comes out may not be the best quality.
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Shrine Girl
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Re:How do you? 15 Years, 4 Months ago Karma: 23
Ah true, I guess stressing about getting the story done won't exactly put me into a writing mood

Thank you
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Time Traveler
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Re:How do you? 15 Years, 4 Months ago Karma: 156
I have the same problem, actually, and not even that seldom. I keep thinking about how I should finish up my chapters and update my fics before the readers will get sick and tired of waiting, but I just don't feel like writing at all.

My solution? Same as already offered. I wait it out. I think it's better for your readers to have to wait a bit longer, than to make/let them read something you've forced out and may thus be not as good as you could have done at your best.

Just wait, relax, watch something nice, take your mind off things, maybe plan the story forward in your mind if you don't want to feel like a total slacker. But don't fret, don't stress. Nowadays we stress way too much over so many things that it's getting silly. The story will come to you, sooner or later! And so will the mood. ;3
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Re:How do you? 15 Years, 4 Months ago Karma: 9
I suffer that problem all the time

What I do is start another story and write something random and maybe/hopefully other ideas will pop into my head for the stories I'm supposed to be updating. Or I just be lazy and watch tv or play the Sims3 until I'm ready to start updating. Though I haven't updated my Sesshomaru/Kagome story since.....last year I keep putting it off for some reason.
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PROUD Inupapa fangirl

"I wish for a heart. A heart of the man whom I'll never allow to forget me." (to Kagome) - Kikyo

"Go Naraku, gather the shards of the jewel, and once you found them all , then I will send you to hell." - Kikyo

I support a problem with that?
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Re:How do you? 15 Years, 1 Month ago Karma: 10
I have to say I'm the same way as well. I'll go through months where I'm so busy that even if I have the free time I just don't feel like writing. Oftentimes I find that writing something new helps me as well. Another thing I try to do if I'm intent on finishing something for a particular fiction is looking up fanart or AMV's that fit the theme I'm going for. Sometimes the right piece of art can really help with the creative juices. Genrally if I can get over my writers block (or at least the one at the time) I can get a lot done before I end up finding it all over again.

Though lately I've pulled myself too thin I think. I have a good 20 stories I have unfinished, at least 7 or 8 of which I've updated within the last few months. I'm starting to have to reread things to update so I don't mix up what I've done...whoops!
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Re:How do you? 14 Years, 11 Months ago Karma: 8
I had a bad one. I work a lot and then the computer I used to write on totally bit it. I had backups, but one of them was a 200+ page Sess/Kag that had to be totally redone - stick back the italics, redo all the indents for the paragraphs, oh GOD it was a mess. I almost didn't want to finish it because I felt like I'd never reformat it properly. Patience prevailed, though. I'm currently proofreading it right now and I'll be damned if I don't start posting soon.

My advice would be to just write the whole fic first and THEN start posting a little at a time, so you won't feel pressured if you go into a slump. I've discovered pressure during a slump makes it worse, not better.

I wonder if part of the hesitation is that you know the fun is almost done. Writing is a journey after all, and while it's great to reach a destination in a fic, it's the journey that makes it fun. Well, for me anyhow.
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Last Edit: 2010/04/10 16:03 By Sesshoumarus_hair.
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Re:How do you? 14 Years, 11 Months ago Karma: 2
My way definitely isn't the most efficient, but I usually start another story. Don't misunderstand, not a serious attempt at completing it, but just enough to get me back into the flow of writing. I have a dozen partially completed first chapters of various stories on my computer at the moment from doing this.
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Re:How do you? 14 Years, 11 Months ago Karma: 1
That's a toughie >: I usually write another story, but sometimes I read other fanfictions for encouragement. Or if you have very responsive reviewers, they may have suggestions other than 'Update'. XD
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Re:How do you? 14 Years, 5 Months ago Karma: 0
Dito. I think I can speak for most writters here when I say, If there was an invention where our ideas could be writin on down without us having to actually sit down and write it then I would so buy it.

I don't think it is neccessarily writers block, It could just be bordem of you not writing your ideas down, and so when you go to write them down your brain is already 3 steps ahead of you and wants you to move on. If that made sense ^^
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Apples arre good. What I love about life is that No matter what you always pull through and find something better

Pineapples arre soo good. What I hate about life is that you have to work hard for what you want

Bananas arre so Not good. But the thing about working hard is that it always looks good on a resume ^^

Grapes unless they are firm,yum! Giving up is not in my vocab anymore >.-

In Case you havent noticed I like my fruit the same way I like my life ^^
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