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This Sesshoumaru Reluctantly Wants You...Notes
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TOPIC: This Sesshoumaru Reluctantly Wants You...Notes
Duchess Of Darkness
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This Sesshoumaru Reluctantly Wants You...Notes 14 Years, 2 Months ago Karma: 7
Okay my fellow readers, I D.O.D (Duchess of Darkness) just wanted to share a few things with you concerning my story. Not necessarily looking for feedback of responses to this post or whatever but I thought I'd created this to say what I couldnt on my story posts due to the 300 word author note limit.

My mentioning of the victorian period and fuedal era period I know are way off point in my story, but , as I said for the sake of my particular story I just kind forced them . Alot of my readers think they work together so I'm not complaining too much.

Also it was brought to my attention that the timeline was not clear in my story. I cant even begin to tell you guys how many times I read my story over and over to the point where I almost got sick of my story, to find, add, fix, and clearify things in this first story of mine. I was also told that my story lack a direction and almost bordered on being a smutty crack fic. But worry not my feeling are not hurt...not really . All I did was took the criticsm and did better to remedy it rather than catch writers block and hide in a hole like some writers.

Anyway I want everyone to understand that this is my FIRST fanfiction. I didnt brainstorm any of it or write it down to read it before typing it up and posting it.I typed all of it from the top of my head and just hoped it all worked together so excuse whatever may seem a little off. I will eventually go back and fix or omit it completely.

I wanted this story to be long and just entertain my readers and to just get these ideas out my head. I know alot of people want it to just meet the climax and end but me...I just like ridiculously long stories . I'm looking for this first story to be as long as 40 chapters or hell even more. I wouldnt say that my story is an adventure or epic-like tale, nor would I say it's a 'crackfic' but mostly a drama/comedy/smutty/kinky/romantic story that will eventually get to a point. You follow? If not I appreciate you trying to... But I will never abandon this story no matter how long I'm away and dont post. I WILL RETURN.

I have a beta reader and she's awesome . I give credit to her for giving my story what I couldnt give it. Where I lacked words she placed them. Where I lost a clearifying point she fixed it. She's just awesome.

I will admit that I wont put to much effort into this being that this is just a trial run to see how popular my writing style is to know whether or not I'll make it as an actual author. Especially an author of smutty paranormal romance novels. Humurous smutty paranormal romance novels

And those of you guys who absolutely love my first well a second one is one its way to the dokuga site. I know right? Ahem, anyway after my beta reader go over it and correct it or whatever magic she cast on my work. It will be posted.

I was going to post the synopsis or a summary with the title but being the sadistic little helfa that I am...I thought I'll just kill yall with the suspense.

I think thats pretty much all I wanted to say...yeah thats all....I think. Hell even if it wasnt I'll just make another annoying thread.

Love yall....D.O.D
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Beat Cop
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Re:This Sesshoumaru Reluctantly Wants You...Notes 14 Years, 2 Months ago Karma: 29
I have to say I'm suprised that your feedback has led you to feel the need to leave a post like this. Its dissapointing that you feel this way, because I personally LOVE this story you are writing. I've been a horrible readerthough, as I've lurked rather than review. Now I really regret having been too lazy say something sooner.

Personally the historical references haven't been that big of a deal - mostly because you've already made note of the fact in your AN that you are using creative license in this regard.

As for the timeline - it IS helpful to know in stories if its taking place DURRING the Naraku fiasco or after. I think you could easily fit that information in to the story with a casual mention. Otherwise, any more timeline details really arn't needed for this type of story as its focus isn't on a battle or war being waged/won/fought/etc. So I think its silly that people are choosing this to harp on you about. This isn't a story focusing on a secondary/sub plot as well, but I find those stories are often confusing and sometimes not well written as the author tries to include too much in the story, thusly loosing focus and quality. You've chosen to focus on the characters and the growing/changing dynamics between them and thats one of my favorite kind of stories.

And calling it a smut crackfic? Well a funny/good smut crackfic is always worth a good giggle and entertaining, so I have no problems with those genres, but I certainly wouldn't category THIS story in to that genre. I think your story is filled with great smut, but its got substance which completely takes it out of the crackfic category.

Personally I LOVE GOOD SMUT (i.e. lemon or citrus)! And you write citrus tastefully, with depth and insight into the characters. Its not just randome relations between two people, but rather a result of complex feelings and changing ideals which is challenging the characters themselves.

If anything I would say you have an angsty romance NOT a smut crackfic, here.

I'm stunned this is your first fic. I think its done VERY well, and I've had it in my faves and alerts sense I first started reading it. You update within reasonable time, and each chapter is of a respectable length. You are taking your time evolving the relationships between Kagome/Sesshomaru and Inuyasha/Sesshomaru and Rin/Shippou etc. Its nice to see the evolution and the growth of their relationships. AND I LOVE Aimaru! He's another Miroku, but even HE is feeling a little changed by Kagome.

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Re:This Sesshoumaru Reluctantly Wants You...Notes 14 Years, 2 Months ago Karma: 2
I too can't believe this is just your first Story! I love this one and am always glad to see when you update!

Keep your head up chica, I read A LOT of fanfictions and I know bad when i read it...the fact that I am an AVID fan of your story means I think you have great talent!

Hugs and keep your head up..

little o'l me...
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Freya Ishtar
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Re:This Sesshoumaru Reluctantly Wants You...Notes 14 Years, 2 Months ago Karma: 39
Honestly, I'm going to go with Mikki on this one. I'm sorry to say I haven't read your story (this isn't anything against anyone, I just don't really read fanfiction because it usually is too much of an attention-drain for me and I will end up putting off working on my own stuff to be able to keep reading everyone else's work *sweatdrop*), but Mikki's voice is one that I trust, as when she does get the chance to leave feedback it is always something in-depth and insightful and she sometimes raises questions that didn't even occur to me when I was writing the given chapter. If you've already made mention in your AN's that you're taking literary license with certain aspects, then that should be good enough for your readers.

As someone in pretty much the same boat as you- trying out my hand in fanfictions because I do hope to be a published paranormal romance author someday- I think you're making a very wise, albiet it at times very difficult decision, by not taking some of these criticisms to heart and instead trying to apply them constructively. I also don't really brainstorm or pre-plan a lot of my writing, which, yes, does unfortunately lead to a lot of having to go back and reread and correct things, but sometimes going with the flow is the best way to work- most times, in fact.

It is really a sad thing when an author feels the need to take a thread to address issues like this, but it seems like you really enjoy what you're doing, you love your work and your readers (with the possible exception of the nit-pickers in question) love your work. So keep doing what you're doing, take the constructive criticisms as just what they are, and let the rest just roll off your back.

And everyone loves smut- the only ones that will say they don't are the ones embarrassed to admit it. People who aren't comfortable reading that sort of content usually aren't afraid to simply come out and say that they're not comfortable with it, period. A lot of times, people who say things like this are those that misinterpret a very citrusy story as being just a literary porno with plot thrown in to string it all together. Other times, it can actually (and I'm sorry to say I- and other authors that I know of- have encountered this) it is not a flame, but a . . . sort of verbal lashing out from people who are jealous of your literary ability. In other words, they can't write as well as you do, so they pick what they consider to be the story's most 'prominent faults', if you will, to harp on.

Just keep doing what you're doing, and as long as you're loving what you do that's enough.
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Duchess Of Darkness
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Re:This Sesshoumaru Reluctantly Wants You...Notes 14 Years, 2 Months ago Karma: 7
I am a thousand times grateful to everyone's words and opinion. I want to let you all know that I'm truly inspired to do more and better and always keep faith in my talents and skill. I'm only glaad everyone understood where I was comming from, that alone made me very happy. My confidence has never really faded just was shakin up alittle but hey I know how to come back swing when the situation calls for it.

But anyway just know that I'm very very very VERY happy you all simply understand.

Much smutterific love
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Freya Ishtar
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Re:This Sesshoumaru Reluctantly Wants You...Notes 14 Years, 2 Months ago Karma: 39

And a belated welcome to Dokuga *hugs*
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Rurouni Jasmine
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Re:This Sesshoumaru Reluctantly Wants You...Notes 14 Years, 2 Months ago Karma: 1
I don't have something super long and awesome to say but I just wanted to tell you that think your fic is amazingly addictive. I rave about it all the time and have even gotten a few of my friends to start reading it. I can't wait to read more!
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Re:This Sesshoumaru Reluctantly Wants You...Notes 11 Years, 10 Months ago Karma: 0
i didnt get a chance to read it even tough i really wanted to ur other stories are bomb so thiss one must have been good people gone hate just let them
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