Hey there!!
There are two stories/plots that has been stuck in my head for the longest time now... and I strongly think it's from a previous fanfiction I've read in the past.
I'm almost sure they're both SessxKag.
1. Sesshoumaru is a general/lord... something like that. Kagome was a slave among many that was captured and was sent to sleep with him. Or... something like that. I think I remember Inuyasha in this one.. but I can't be too sure. It's really foggy. I remember in the room where Sessh sleeps with the other females-- there might've been a small cell inside the room were he locks her up. Gah, it's something like that. I hope I'm not mixing stories up here. I've been waiting for the longest time to re-read this fanfic! I think it might've been on AFF.
2. This one, I'm not too sure if it was a story about Sess/Kag or not. But I remember story where a girl with striking blue eyes was running away, avoiding capture by the royal authorities. The setting is a crossover between Ancient Egyptian like, and Aladdin. I remember a tavern scene where she hides in a tavern full of bands of thieves. That's all I really remember...
Again, I'm not sure if these are Sess/Kag fanfics... but I really think they are. My memory is just so fried from midterms-- I really can't recall much at the moment.
If, perhaps they are stories from different fandoms... I would like to know too. They were good stories-- I think.
Thank you for your time!