i would love to tell you more detail all i really remember is that Kagome is pupped with Sesshomaru's babe, and when he's born, Sesshomaru takes the pup away. Kagome is devastated by it, but Inuyasha oddly makes her feel better b/c he tells her it's instinct for a male to take his pup away from a weak female that can't protect it. And that had his father lived, Inupapa would have done the same thing to Izayoi, he would have probably turned out better for it.
And while that makes kagome a little better b/c if anything, it's proving sess isnt being a TOTAL JERK!, but he at least has the pup's best interest at heart, even if that means taking it away from her.
In the end though after like 3 bad depressed days, where the pup wants only kagome, and kagome is pretty much in emo-depression mode, Sesshomaru coems back with the pup and is all like

we couln't leave you, we didnt want to, even when we tried.
Kagome gets pup back, and that's all i really remember, it's an old fic, i want to say it's complete, but yeah...