the story i am looking for is rated R is in modern day theres no little pink jewel, no love triangle between inuyasha , kagome and sesshoumaru ,i think sesshoumaru is human because there is no blood shed in the story ,i think it is atleast 7 chapters long, kagome was never in the past ,the story was from a single spark a new story at the time i found 4-6 years ago, rin is sesshoumaru's sister or sister in law and he has more family than just his dad, inuyasha ,rin and i think his mother but not sure on her tho ,kagome is sesshoumaru's ex-wife and she got money in the divorce so she's got her own bussiness and sesshoumaru either owns his own or ceo of his , but he hires her to do a job for him plus have his baby because he feels left out and old , everyone in his family has atleast one baby. thats all i remember of this story.. please help me find it please.