I read this story a few months ago but for the life of me I can't remember the name and when I do a search for anything I can remember of the summary it's not pulling up that way either.
I remember in it Inuyasha fights Goshinki's father and he can read minds just like his son did. He casts a spell on Kagome and Sango to put them into a forced heat or something like that and teleports Kagome far away from them. Kagome has to find a cave to hide in and puts a barrier up to keep all the youkai out and from mating her. Koga and his two side kicks find her also along with other youkai and try to break the barrier. Sess goes to investigate what is happening on his lands and sits back to watch what happens instead of killing them immediately. Kagome has to do a dance for the youkai to distract them to build up more power to strengthen the barrier and blasts them away from the barrier after the dance and Sess gets a good laugh from it.
If anyone can help me find this fic I would greatly appreciate the help!