This one has been bugging me for a week. I'll write what I can remember of it, hopefully someone will know which one it is.
It was a canon fic I read on a few years back, completed I think (and rated M). Kagome was still traveling through the well. I think that Sessh approached her one day in the future and they started to get close. I know she was still jumping back and forth between the eras.
Kagome was falling in love with the future Sessh, and he told her to act thowards the past him how she wishes. So she was openly showing affection thowards him (past), and he was pushing her away.
I think she had sex with the future Sessh for the first time, and then went to the past where they were also intimate (even tho he didn't love her). I remember her telling him (past) that she loved him every time arter they'd do it.
I remember one 'episode' where they went to the north (or some island) on a mission to defeat someone (a higher cat demon, I think) and they'd do it every night after traveling. Then they killed a demon cat (like Kirara) that had a litter of kittens. Kag convinced him to take care of the kitties until someone he sent for comes, and she refused to do it while the kitties were there (that made him frustrated). I also remember that they hed sex first thing after someone picked up the kittens (against a tree, and Sessh was frustrated with her panties so he just pushed them aside ...... A perverted thing to stick with me, I know

, but it stuck anyways)
And, I also remember the fic ending in the future with them going to a museum (that he owns), onto the second floor where the new Sengoku Jidai exhibit was just finished. And, you guessed it, they did it right there on the floor (the second story was forbidden for guests). I think it was Shippo that turned away an old lady when she wanted to go on the second floor and made an excuse when there was a 'thump' from above. He also locked them up in the museum for the night (and walked in on them the next morning -_-')
Does it ring any bells?