Ok, I've been looking for this story for YEARS now. I think it was on single spark. And I never got to finish the story. The title (if I remember correctly) is only two words and one of the words starts with a 'u'. it is, at least, 20 chapters long. And is rated M for extremely graphic sexual scenes. Sesshoumaru/Kagome is the main pairing, and side pairings are Miroku/Sango and Inuyasha/Kikyou.
Kagome is traveling with the group looking for Naraku like usual, Inuyasha is sneaking around with Kikyou like usual. But for some reason (that I can't remember) Kagome starts sneaking off to meet with Sesshoumaru and they do some naughty things together. He (Sesshoumaru) keeps trying to talk Kagome into leaving the gang, specifically Inuyasha. And Inuyasha suspects that she is sneaking off for some reason, but doesn't know why at first. And the last chapter I read involved Kagome being on her period and sneaking off to Sesshoumaru, in which a VERY dirty scene happens, and Sesshoumaru once again propositions Kagome to come back with him to his fortress, but since Kagome still can't decide, he leaves he with a note (that I can't remember what it says). That's about all I can remember. and I know I had to have read it in between the years 2003 being the earliest and 2007 the absolute latest.
Thanks sooooooo sooo sooo much for whoever knows what the heck I'm talking about. Heck, I'd even be happy with someone just saying that they have read the story before too, even if they don't remember what it's called either.

And most of the scenes involved hot springs because it was normally when she got away from the group to bathe, that Sesshoumaru came to her.