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TOPIC: Madness
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Madness 13 Years, 7 Months ago Karma: 2
I know this is getting really boring but... Dokugaians! I need your help once again! (and I bet sugar0o will be the first one to help lol... again ;p)
I read this fic on, Kagome is engaged with Inuyasha, but Sesshou wants her.
I think she realizes that Inuyasha betrays her and wants Sesshou to teach her how to fight. In exchange she becomes his lover...
Yeah, and in the end Inu is dead, Sessho takes demoness as a mate(Aiko??), has children with her, but also keeps Kags somewhere in his castle and she's kinda mad, mistaking reality with her dreams... Lol, really sad...

Do you know any other stories with Kags or Sesshy being insane?
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Re:Madness 13 Years, 7 Months ago Karma: 10
I'm not sure what story that is but there are other really interesting stories that have Sessh or Kagome being insane. The Asylum by Daniella (Rated MA!!!) Hopeless Insanity by Lady Kirara (Rated MA!!!)
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Re:Madness 13 Years, 7 Months ago Karma: 2
Thank you very much, but I read them both
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Last Edit: 2011/08/07 05:36 By Paradise_Kiss.
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Lily Noir
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Re:Madness 13 Years, 7 Months ago Karma: 11
Here's one where they thought Kag was insane but she isn't, itsFinding Sanity by Kagome Yuki Niwa ... rating M
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Re:Madness 13 Years, 7 Months ago Karma: 78
Try "Sesshomaru's Most Desperate Hour" by Sonja Jade. It can be found on It is very disturbing, but very well-written.
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Re:Madness 13 Years, 7 Months ago Karma: 78
In "Yellow Brick Road" by Emmarem Kagome is crazy, or appears to be. There is a really old story, where Sesshomaru is madly in love with Kagome, literally. One part I remember vividly involves Sesshy coming across a fully dead Kikyo, and hallucinating that the corpse is a live Kagome. He gets it on. For the life of me, I can't remember the title or author.
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Re:Madness 13 Years, 7 Months ago Karma: 18
knifethrower wrote:
In "Yellow Brick Road" by Emmarem Kagome is crazy, or appears to be. There is a really old story, where Sesshomaru is madly in love with Kagome, literally. One part I remember vividly involves Sesshy coming across a fully dead Kikyo, and hallucinating that the corpse is a live Kagome. He gets it on. For the life of me, I can't remember the title or author.

Umm...Kagome's Number One Fanboy by Fortunesque. Don't think she ever finished it.

Adult link, no minors on this one!
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Re:Madness 13 Years, 7 Months ago Karma: 78
Thanks, Landare, "Kagome's Number One Fanboy" is the one I was thinking of! I'm going back to read that story again, myself...
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Re:Madness 13 Years, 7 Months ago Karma: 2
Oh my, does anybody know this fic? Please!
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Re:Madness 13 Years, 7 Months ago Karma: 78
"Kagome's Number One Fanboy" by Fortunesque, can be found on A Single Spark
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sugar0o who lurks
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Re:Madness 13 Years, 7 Months ago Karma: 216
Paradise_Kiss wrote:
Oh my, does anybody know this fic? Please!ha! i actally know the fic but i can't remember the name. it rubbed me a bit too wrong! BUT i can give a better discription to help others.

So. it's AU, kagome and inuyasha are together. From what i remember Kagome some how snubs Sess and he's all >:l at her b/c she's a mere human, and he's the great Sesshomaru. so of course he wants her! (mostly to prove a point)

Because she loves inuyasha so much and pretty much wont give Sess the time of day he makes her beleive that inuyasha's actually sneaking off to meet ( i wanna say kikyo - this is AU) Kagome's heart broken, and ends up asking Sess to teach her how to fight b/c she wants revenge, thinking that Inu's done her wrong.

Sess takes pleasure in defiling her and tainting her so that she hates her beloved inuyasha, even though he knows it's a lie that he set up. so he teachs her to hate, to fight, uses and darn near abuses her.

Meanwhile there's this annoying female demoness (OC) that hates kagome for being Sesshoamru's lover, pretty much puts her down any and everytime she sees her. ends up telling her that she's replaceable, and in the end helps Sess with the lie so that she can become Sesshoamru's mate in the process.

Kagome ends up fighting inuyasha, who never did anything wrong, and realizes right after she kills him that sess lied and that she killed the person she loved most. It makes her crazy.

Sess though ain't totally sane either. In the end he ends up keeping broken insane kagome as a sex toy in a house/prison he builds in his palace garden. And it's years later when the demoness pities kagome but doesnt do anything to help b/c her mate is crazy and will kill her for even looking at kagome let alone talking to her, or helping her.

Kagome's so crazy that she's totally out of it, until Sesshoamru shows up to use her as a sex toy, and then she remembers everything, and pretty much gets raped by crazy demon lord.

So in the end all 3 of them are trapped, and slightly or totally miserable. Both kagome and sess to being insane. Her b/c she killed the one she loved, and him b/c of his obsession to have the one that refuses him so. And the bratty demoness-lady/wife b/c she cant do anything about it. Not that fact that her hubby only uses her as a breeder while he gets his twisted jollies from raping kagome.

I didn't particularly like this fic, mostly b/c i'm a SK lover and it always makes me a bit *sad face* when it's so... dark and not "happily ever after"-ish, so i never saved it. I did read it on FFN, and not sure on age as far as it being on spark or not. I know it's complete, and probably rated M on FFN. It's about 4 chapters long and less then 20k long.... i want to say (guesstimates) i hope this helps and sorry i cant remember it I'll try looking around for it. it might also be marked romance/tragedy on FFN.

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Last Edit: 2011/08/10 21:39 By sugar0o.
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Re:Madness 13 Years, 7 Months ago Karma: 2
Yeah, sugar0o, that's the one ;> To tell you the truth I'm not so fond of it either, but sometimes I get this gloomy mood and can't help myself ;>
But I prefer it to The Asylum by Daniella, that one is too dark for me, besides I like the idea of Sesshomaru and Kagome being made for each other, and his love for Chiyoko really makes me sad..
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Re:Madness 13 Years, 7 Months ago Karma: 5 This one?
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Last Edit: 2011/08/12 14:04 By MoxyMikki.
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Re:Madness 13 Years, 7 Months ago Karma: 2
YES! Thank you oksana! To tell you the truth I found it just a second ago and I SO KNEW it had sth to do with 'carousel' but i didn't find anything with this word so I didn't write it here! LoL
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sugar0o who lurks
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Re:Madness 13 Years, 6 Months ago Karma: 216
sugar0o wrote:
Paradise_Kiss wrote:
Oh my, does anybody know this fic? Please!I did read it on FFN, and not sure on age as far as it being on spark or not. I know it's complete, and probably rated M on FFN. It's about 4 chapters long and less then 20k long.... i want to say (guesstimates)
O_O i SO suck at guesstimates! It's 31k long and like 20 chapters or something =x
oksana wrote: This one? *this is an M rated fic!Paradise_Kiss wrote:
YES! Thank you oksana! To tell you the truth I found it just a second ago and I SO KNEW it had sth to do with 'carousel' but i didn't find anything with this word so I didn't write it here! LoL
FTW! i totally searched for the word "obsess" on FFN and didn't find it! Yanno what that means? r0o's skimming skills suck ye verily. Either way I'm really glad you found it!
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Last Edit: 2011/08/11 21:22 By sugar0o.
We all have our demons, I named mine r0o.
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Re:Madness 13 Years, 6 Months ago Karma: 279
Um, aren't we supposed to be posting the ratings of M or MA rated fics in the forums??

This one is rated M on
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Re:Madness 13 Years, 6 Months ago Karma: 34
If you are still looking for a story with a crazy Kagome. i have one, this is a shameless self promotion by the way. I wrote a oneshot during a the pirate DDN with a crazy Kagome.

WARNING This is rated M

The Mad Miko
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Re:Madness 13 Years, 6 Months ago Karma: 29
WiccanMethuselah wrote:
Um, aren't we supposed to be posting the ratings of M or MA rated fics in the forums??

This one is rated M on

YES we are. This one slipped by me. Thanks for the catch!
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