Hi, all! There's a fic which is bugging me for a long long looooong time. I already asked about it once, but no luck. So I decided to taunt the fates again...
I remember two moments of the plot.
One, Sesshoumaru gets to know Kagome better, and learn about her history. I remember he learns about the deal of her losing a part of her soul to Kikyo - and he blames Inuyasha for it, thinking Inuyasha betrayed Kagome when he called Kikyo's name, putting the curse in effect.
What I remember most is the final scene. Kagome goes to the shrine, and meets her mother. They talk a bit, and Kagome explains that 500 hundred years had past, and asks her mother to come outside of the shrine, where the mother meets a small crowd. Kagome then introduces to her mother the "husband" Sesshoumaru, along with her children and grandchildren - the people waiting outside the shrine.
It's NOT the Fuyu series by Kanna37 (amazing ones, BTW). Sesshoumaru may be appalled by the way Inuyasha treats Kagome, but he never seeks revenge for it. He mostly keep his thoughts for himself.
Sess falls in love with her gradually, as his views starts changing along the fic, from seeing her as a common human to a selfless person, bound by honor to complete the quest for the jewel, sacrificing her time and her life beyond the well.
I read it a long time ago, it was one of my first forays in Sess/Kags fics, and I think it was posted on FFnet (but I may be wrong).
So, anyone knows it?? Thanks!