looking for a couple of fics 13 Years, 10 Months ago
Karma: 0
first i want to say thanks for all the people who helped me finding that sess/kagome/touga fic. but the fic im looking for is Sess owns kagome he cut his name into her skin she gives birth to twins but dies but sess puts her to sleep.
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Re:looking for a couple of fics 13 Years, 10 Months ago
Karma: 0
The name cutting sounds familiar. Not the part where she has the twins though.
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Re:looking for a couple of fics 13 Years, 10 Months ago
Karma: 0
thank you its not the story but its a great read.
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Re:looking for a couple of fics 13 Years, 10 Months ago
Karma: 0
here is some more to the story sess gets mad a kagome and gives her to an evil prince for the night and kagome get raped and has another name cut into her skin.
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Re:looking for a couple of fics 13 Years, 10 Months ago
Karma: 216
okay i know the fic, but i cant remember the name of who its by... but i do remember more of it, so maybe this will help someone else.
Kagome comes into Sesshomaru's care when she's young, he ends up training her and owning her, takes her as his plaything/onna when she's 16, everyone in the palace loves her, but Sess is pretty much an arrogant jerk, she is his concubine. he has carved his name into her arm.
A neighboring prince comes for some reason, and SESS makes her show off, riding on a horse while standing on its back, the neighboring prince lusts after kagome. Sess in a jealous fit, give kagome to the prince to use for the night.
Kagome has NEVER been with anyone else. and Sango is her best friend, she's a normal human. Well problem comes when the prince basically rapes kagome, and He to figures its okay to carve HIS name into her too. All the night long Kagome cries out for him to stop for Sess to save her, jerk never does.
Well kagome's pretty beat to snot, and Sess thinks she wanted it. He's an arsehat in this, well worse coems to worse Kagome turns out preggers but it's too close to tell who the father is. Sess b/c he thinks its the prince refuses to even see her, b/c she's soiled basically, specially carrying another man's child.
Well turns out that the child is actually TWINS, Sesshoamru's twins. but b/c Sess wasnt there and kagome had no reason to really hold on thinking that she was so hated, she starts dying b/c of that and blood lose.
Sango comes to get sess, and pretty much tell him he's an arsehat and to save kagome, and he does by putting her in a dark magic sleep, to wake up when she's both healed and forgiven him.
She heals in a few weeks but refuses to wake up. Well their kids are 2 full blooded pups b/c she was a miko, then ever get to meet their mother and assume that she is dead, but sess knows she's alive and just in a magic sleep.
He hasnt taken anyone ever since she was put under b/c he was an arsehat and basically did this to her, he understands this now, and his kids are arsehats too. 20 years later she wakes up b/c her heart and soul have forgiven him but she hasn't in her mind.
She pretty much makes him beg for it, and he mates her, but her twins are all *angry face* b/c they think he's marrying some human, well they end up fighting and kags pawns kids and they are all D:
ends up Happily ever after.
SADLY while i remember the WHOLE fic, completed and on FFN, about 8 - 15 chapters maybe 30 but short if so, i cant remember who wrote it, or the name of the fic. BUT, hopefully this helps someone else to remember.
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Re:looking for a couple of fics 13 Years, 10 Months ago
Karma: 0
thank you sooo much thats the fic. i hope someone knows its title.
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Re:looking for a couple of fics 13 Years, 10 Months ago
Karma: 24
Ohhh... that sounds SO interesting! I hope someone knows the title of that fic because I would love to read it.
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Re:looking for a couple of fics 13 Years, 10 Months ago
Karma: 5
I, too, remember that I started reading this...but I can't remember what it's called! I never finished it...and I want to finish it D:
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Re:looking for a couple of fics 13 Years, 10 Months ago
Karma: 10
Are you sure it was on FF.net?
INUYASHA\\\'S DOGGY EARS ARE MINE! I claimed them in The Claiming Game.
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Re:looking for a couple of fics 13 Years, 10 Months ago
Karma: 15
I remember reading it on FF.net...
I remember when reading this also, but for the life of me I can not remember the name however I do remember it being on my Favorite Stories list.
I believe it's been removed from the site since I went through all of my Favorite Inuyasha stories and it wasn't there.
And to add to what I remember...
When Kagome woke from her dark magic induced coma only her son believed that she was actually his mother, her daughter due to Sesshoumaru never correcting her believed her mother to have been a full demoness.
Since though the children were hanyou they had the appearence and strength of a full youkai.
Last Edit: 2011/04/27 05:14 By Miss Anna.
Reason: Misspelt word
I am the Master of Italian Pastry in Dokugareers, my tool is the rolling pin of cannoli.
Miss Anna S has Claimed Hitomiko\'s Bells in the Dokuga Claim Game
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Re:looking for a couple of fics 13 Years, 10 Months ago
Karma: 23
The Caged Bird by Uniquewriterllama
Living with the man she loves isn't as easy as it would seem.
Rating: M ?-? Universe: Alternate ?-? Status: Incomplete ?

Last Edit: 2011/04/27 10:35 By Discontent Winter.
signature courtesy of r0o!
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Re:looking for a couple of fics 13 Years, 10 Months ago
Karma: 0
thank you soo much thats the story.....
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Re:looking for a couple of fics 13 Years, 10 Months ago
Karma: 216
okay, so i've been looking i KNOW this fic WAS complete on FFN, but i cant seem to find it r the author there, I'm thinking she may have yanked it. b/c it was complete.
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