Okay so this story has really stuck with me. Its older that I know of and I know its incomplete, why? I dont know because its a fantastic story.
There's an OC in it and in the fic the OC and Kagome are both Inu Demonesses they're running, both terribly injured and they wind up in a camp...or school. They pass out within the barrier and when they wake up they find that the camp/school is for every type of creature weather they be human, hanyou or youkai. But Kagome is extremely disturstful of everyone because the only person left in her pack is the person she arrived with. In it Miroku pushes Kagome way to far and I think gets his ass handed to him..or was it Sango? or Inuyasha? I dont remember. But I remember that Kagome cries tears of blood because her soul is so wounded and its close to completely shattering because of hte loss of a pup of hers or an adopted pup.
Please you guys, this was one of the first fics I ever read on this site otherthen Blueribbon's 'The Breeder'

I'd love to reread it, and maybe poke at the author to continue it, or hell maybe its already finished, I did go on Hiatus a while back