1st: Is this old fanfiction that comes to mind every now and again. This story was one of the first Sess/Kag stories I read. The story was not on fanfiction.net or A Singel Spark, so I don't know if maybe some one might have run into it.
The story goes: Sesshomaru loves Kagome, and is trying to find a way to have her love him. I don't remember how but Kagome ends up with Sesshomaru's castle. He makes a deal with Inuyasha, he gives him the other half of the jewel for Kagome. Inu accepts and he makes Kagome believe that Inuyasha has left her. She jumps out the window and breaks a few bones, Sesshomaru finds her and revives her with Tenseiga or his blood. Inuyasha ends up making a wish on the jewel that he will become a full demon, and when the wish was granted he makes is way to Sesshoamru's castle to rescue Kagome and mate with her.
At the time it was uncomplete. I don't know if any one remebers this one.
2nd: I think this was one was in Spark. A demonesses wanted Sesshomaru to mate her, so she makes this spell that the first person that he hears say his name he will be madly in love with her. She ends up traping him and let out the spell, but Kagome is there and starts yelling for Sesshomaru. He ends up in love with her and the only way to break the spell was she had to sleep with him. They do, Sesshomaru couldn't believe what his done, and Kagome goes back to her world.
That is all I remember, it was uncomplete too.
If any one knows can give me the titles and/or links, it would be appreciated.
Thank you!