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TOPIC: Miroku/Kagome
Shrine Girl
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Miroku/Kagome 14 Years, 4 Months ago Karma: 23
I hope this is in the right section, if not I apologize!

So, I'm looking for a Miroku and Kagome story. Not a specific one, just a good one to read. Preferably a completed story(or it could be a one-shot) It could be rated anything(T-M or even K I'm not really picky) Also, I'd prefer one that is not in first person(Okay, I'm a little picky)

I've actually been interested in Kagome/Miroku stories for about the same time I have been into Sesshoumaru/Kagome.

If anyone knows one that is canon-ish, where Kagome and Miroku actually end up having a child(or children) together that would be awesome!

Anyways if anyone could help provide me with any Kagome/Miroku stories, that'd be awesome and very much appreciated since I am having a 'craving' to read one XD

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sugar0o who lurks
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Re:Miroku/Kagome 14 Years, 4 Months ago Karma: 216
Home for Christmas by Rurouni Star
[MK][oneshot] No one wants to be away from home during Christmas. But sometimes, home is right in front of you.
Inuyasha - Fiction Rated: K+ - English - Romance/General - Chapters: 1 - Words: 1,987 - Reviews: 28 - Updated: 12-23-04 - Published: 12-23-04 - - Miroku/Kagome - Complete

Chasing Methuselah » by Sandra E
[MirokuKagome] It's not enough she's flunking Geometry, no. Or that Inuyasha is about to choose Kikyou. No. Now she has to deal with the new class representative. Who, oddly enough, looks like a certain perverted monk.
Inuyasha - Fiction Rated: M - English - Romance - Chapters: 13 - Words: 109,740 - Reviews: 1854 - Updated: 3-29-04 - Published: 3-27-03 - - Kagome/Miroku - Complete

Angel by twistedpsyche
[MirokuKagome] With the final battle close at hand, Kagome finds comfort in an unlikely source when Inuyasha’s true intentions become too much to bear alone. Rating: M for sexual content and language
Inuyasha - Fiction Rated: M - English - Romance/Drama - Chapters: 1 - Words: 5,794 - Reviews: 47 - Updated: 7-15-06 - Published: 7-15-06 - - Kagome/Miroku - Complete

For The Better » by ravenskyeblackhawk
Kagome and Miroku are floored to find out that Inuyasha and Sango are extremely close and much more than friends. The houshi and the miko are so devastated by the realization, that they become close themselves, and discover that an attraction is brewing.
Inuyasha - Fiction Rated: M - English - Romance/Drama - Chapters: 24 - Words: 79,497 - Reviews: 540 - Updated: 9-21-06 - Published: 6-14-05 - - Kagome/Miroku - Complete

The Void » by Monami Hoshi
When Kagome and Miroku are sucked into his void none of the pack's live will ever be the same
Inuyasha - Fiction Rated: M - English - General/Romance - Chapters: 8 - Words: 7,853 - Reviews: 7 - Updated: 5-22-10 - Published: 5-22-10 - - Kagome/Miroku - Complete 4thy also has a great deal of MK's thats one of her fav pairings.
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Shrine Girl
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Re:Miroku/Kagome 14 Years, 4 Months ago Karma: 23
Wah, you're fast!

Thank you!
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sugar0o who lurks
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Re:Miroku/Kagome 14 Years, 4 Months ago Karma: 216
ha! actually i was jsut reading through some miroku/kagome last night trying to see if i could shake the canonish/AUish plunnie i have for them @_@ maybe i can glue it to you*looks hopeful* hope you enjoy one or more of them, out of all that i've read, those are the ones that spoke to me the most, ^_^ though i havent read any of 4thy's so ^_^
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Last Edit: 2010/11/06 00:27 By sugar0o.
We all have our demons, I named mine r0o.
On HHr Shipping
- Come to the DarkSide - We might be delusional but we have cookies. - apAidan
I claims Naraku`s pelt :3 KUKUKU!!
r0o`s Challenge`s: GenderBender~Always Open.....Completing your Holiday Fic Challenge.....GM Challenge: OPEN!.....
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Re:Miroku/Kagome 14 Years, 4 Months ago Karma: 26
Hiya~ I'm here to pimp out my favorite author, as usual. ^^;

She's not only a great SessKag writer but..

TADA~ Here is Forthright's Page.

She writes MirKag as well, and they're really awesome and cute- not to mention a lot of them are hilarious. Her story descriptions at the bottom have the pairings in them.. or hints at them.

If you check from the older to newer ones you'll find the MirKag ones sooner~ I hope you enjoy them as much as I do!
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Shrine Girl
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Re:Miroku/Kagome 14 Years, 4 Months ago Karma: 23
Thank you fox I will defintely check out the stories that forthright has!

Also thank you again sugar0o for the story suggestions! I read the first one and loved it, it defintely had an 'aww' feeling to it. I finally finished the second one, and absolutetly loved it. It's one of my favorites now. Very well written story, I also enjoyed how the characters were written and just the story in general. Now I need to start on the others haha.

I kind of always wanted to write a Kagome/Miroku story, but haven't come up with a good plot for a story/oneshot yet!ha
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