So, I just finally had to break the silence of my usual lurking and trolling the site in the hopes of getting help finding this fic.
It's been a while since I've read it, but from what I can remember Sesshoumaru is turned into a sex slave by an amazing baddy female and her hawk youkai consort. Also Kagome ends up being held in the same prison but she's blind. Sesshoumaru is mute but Kagome talks to their cellmate a monkey youkai. Eventually they break free and the monkey goes off to warn his clan that the baddies are going to break through their barrier. Other stuff happens, a red gem gets broken and then either Mayan or Aztec gods join the fray. I can't remember much more detail than that.
I do remember this being an engrossing and captivating story. So if anyone has any clues I would be ever so grateful, it has been months that I've been looking for it.
I'm not above begging.