it's been a while since i've been on here!!
I've just had a sudden urge to read a fanfiction created ages ago!
I don't remember what is it exactly, but I remember a specific plot that might've passed on for a few chapters:
Kagome and Sesshoumaru trapped in an snowstorm inside a cave. I believe she was injured or so, but she had her sleeping bag and backpack with her. They were running low on fire (Or maybe needed fire) and Sesshoumaru goes out into the freezing cold to gather firewood and I believe, if i remember correctly, he dived into a lake to fetch some fish.
He goes back to the cave wet to the bone... etc etc. Sessh starts freezing even by the fire, Kagome strips down herself and Sessh and drags him into the sleeping bag.
From there I remember a nice steamy lemon
But I'm not 100% of the other details, but I'm dying to read this story again!!
(I remember I thoroughly enjoyed it)
Please and thanks!
