The first story is pretty old but i read it again about a year ago and still cants remember the name.

Were an Egyptian God of the death decides he wants to have a child so he searches until he finds Kagome and chooses her to have and raise his child. Along the way Kagome falls in love with Sesshoumaru and becomes his mate.
The second story is harder to remember. I think there was a phophecy that makes Kagome like the ultimate pack mother or something. Sesshoumaru already has, i think one child before they get mated, his heir. Kagome can only give birth to like sentinal dogs or something. The cant take on a humaniod form, or have children of their own, their sole purpose is to guard the pack. Something happens and creatures from the underworld are released, and spread some kind of evil virus and Sesshoumaru takes Kagome and leaves Japan while she is pregnate with their first litter. The come back later and kick ass of course. Ive been looking everywere but cant find it.
I really appreciate the help.