Being new here makes it kinda nerve wracking to make a thread off the bat but then again being driven mad over not remembering titles or authors is not fun either

Anyway, to the main point!
There are three of them that have been poking me to remember and some of the details are a little vague.
First one! So something happens that causes Kagome and Inuyasha to not talk much anymore {little sketchy on those details..} so yea, Sesshoumaru and her get together, more stuff happens they have a girl who is full demon. Who is possessive of her mother, the little one and Sesshoumaru have a little dominance thing go down. War happens and Kagome thinks he dies...any ideas?
Second one! Now this one is really naughty

. I do believe I read this one on Spark. It's an AU, Kagome and the gang are all friends BUT! They're only friends with her cause she's totally smart. So they're all out at this cabin. Something happens which makes Kagome leave their cabin, and she goes to the cabin Sesshoumaru is staying in. One thing leads to another and it is lots of sexy time going on. >.> Any clues?
Third one! This one as well, I am pretty sure I read on Spark. Also an AU, with this one I have the least amount of details since reading it was ages ago. So Inuyasha ends up cheating on Kagome with Kikyo. Kagome leaves obviously stuff happens for her to end up with Sesshoumaru. Thing is I don't remember much from their romance part. What I do remember is that Kikyo is portrayed as a very loose woman who ends up with AIDS and Inuyasha is the one who finds out.
So yep, those three have been driving me up the wall with trying to remember. Help please!