Hi I was wondering if anyone knew a fan fiction story I lost was called?
It was about a young Sesshomaru who had come through the well and Kagome found him, he was hurt and she protected him. Later Sesshomaru found them and Kagome protected young sesshomaru like a inu female would from him, later young sess gets protective of Kagome. In this Inutaisho (Inu Papa) was rough/ almost abusive with young Sesshomaru giving him nightmares sometimes. In the last part I read the older Sesshomaru was beginning to want dominace as alpha over kagome and begin being intreasted in her.
If anyone know what this fic is called I would really appreciated the help! I had it saved and I've lost it

I really want to keep reading it as it wasn't finished last I read it.
Thanks for any help in advance!