I know I may be in the minority in some of my thoughts... Meh.
Really, a chapter that's too long? Maybe if it's 95% filler, 4% dialog, and 1% plot (+/- (whatever)% to make it work for you). If the chapters are written well enough, then length is a non-issue (at least for me).
Lady Nefertiti wrote:
I don't know if this topic has been discussed before but I was wondering if there is certain length to a chapter that you should just stop.(to the extent it starts to become too long for the reader and it gets annoying and you lose interest).
As a reader... see below.

But no, I think you should write what you as the author feels fits into a chapter, length be damned. It's your story right? Sure, you may need to edit a bit if you're under the 700 word chapter minimum for chapter stories, but an overly descriptive, and highly expressive chapter once in a while, never hurt anyone.
It's your story... Don't worry about the reader. You're posting these for enjoyment, not to make a buck. If
you are happy with the chapter, that should be all that matters, not whether the readers are happy with you. If you're happy with the chapter you post, great. If not... It's not like new revisions of writings are a new thing. =)
DemonQueen17 wrote:
It all depends on the reader. Some actually like long chapters. Others don't.
For me, it's the author/writing more than the length of the chapters. Some authors I can't bring myself to read a single 300 word chapter even if I do like the stories general plot idea. The writing... sometimes I just can't force myself to continue. (1)
On the other hand, there's one story on FF.n I'm reading that has ~13k word average chapters, and I could continue reading 'em no matter what size the chapters were. I just like the authors writing style and the plot they developed in the story.
If the writing clicks with me, then I don't care what size the chapters are... actually, I'd
prefer longer chapters in that case. But I'll take what I can get.
(1) - Prolly how some people feel about my typing often... ;P