I started keeping a blog years ago, mainly because I figures some of my readers might be curious to know what was going on "behind the scenes". Until now, I have been using livejournal, but recently I have been unable to access my blog page while logged in and I can't view my friend's page either. I can make new posts, but the problems I have with viewing certain areas of livejournal just make it feel less like fun and more like a hassle.

I made a troubleshoot request to the site admins and they claimed my antivirus software was at the root of all the problems, that if I disabled it, all the problems would magically go away.
Call me paranoid, but I really feel uncomfortable with such a "solution".
So, I've been considering moving somewhere else. I did some research already about other blog sites, but I'd really like to hear more about how they are from people who actually use them.
Any bloggers out there? What would be a good blogging site to use that would also be
free to use?
(Also it would be great if it had a feature to screen the posts like livejournal has with public and friends only posts...)