East Coast Earthquake 13 Years, 6 Months ago
Karma: 67
This afternoon, there was a magnitude 5.8 earthquake around 1:50 Eastern Time where the epicenter was just outside Richmond, VA. I didn't feel anything since I was moving at the time. Some of my co-workers who were at their desks definitely felt it. Did anyone else?
Everyone has their addictions. Mine are fanfiction, Sesshomaru and KARMA!!!!!!!!!!
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Re:East Coast Earthquake 13 Years, 6 Months ago
Karma: 56
I'm in Maryland, about 130 miles north of the epicenter. Made our whole house shake and woke up the baby from his nap. Once my 5 year old was calmed down she started singing about house the house helped her get the "wiggles out".
One of my friends on Facebook and I decided we need a good drink.
You folks on the west coast can keep your quakes to yourself. 
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Re:East Coast Earthquake 13 Years, 6 Months ago
Karma: 67
I totally agree. I live and work in NYC (Queens to be exact) and some of my co-workers freaked out about it. Hopefully, none of us get aftershocks. 
Everyone has their addictions. Mine are fanfiction, Sesshomaru and KARMA!!!!!!!!!!
Bakusaiga is mine via the Claiming Game thread.
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Re:East Coast Earthquake 13 Years, 6 Months ago
Karma: 8
I'm in Howard County, Maryland and we felt it. I was in my house with my siblings watching TV and all of a sudden the house started creaking. At first I just thought it was one of those really strong gust of winds, but then the ground and walls started shaking. I almost thought a bulldozer was trying to run over my house or something (I was having Hitchhiker's guide to the galaxy flash backs) I ran around my house trying to figure out what was happening, and after like half a minute when it didn't stop I was about to evacuate my siblings, thinking "It can't be an earthquake...MD doesn't get earthquakes" but then it stopped and I got on Facebook. Lo and behold, it was an earthquake  It was kind of nerve wracking when it was happening since I didn't know what was going on, but looking back it was actually kind of exciting. Luckily nothing broke (though I was very afraid some picture frames would) and watching the news there wasn't many damages. All in all, an exciting end to my summer 
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Re:East Coast Earthquake 13 Years, 6 Months ago
Karma: 39
DemonQueen17 wrote:
I totally agree. I live and work in NYC (Queens to be exact) and some of my co-workers freaked out about it. Hopefully, none of us get aftershocks.
I'm also in Queens, my hubby works in Manhattan. I felt it, but at the moment I didn't pay much mind 'cause we live in an old house, the kind that's sturdy, but at the same time you feel the floors rattle when the kids run through the house, so when I felt the floor shaking, I glanced over my shoulder to see one of my kids kicking his feet against the bed and just figured 'huh, oh well'. It wasn't 'til I logged into FB a few minutes later and saw a bunch of 'did anyone else feel that?' posts and went ' . . . oh, that's what it was.' My mother lives 5 blocks away and said the same thing- she'd thought it was one of her dogs scratched the wood floor near her feet only to turn around and see both of her dogs curled up, half-asleep.
The only real hiccup here was getting a call on our house phone from my husband's office number- we communicate largely via text message when he's at work 'cause he does customer service and will get a reprimand if he ties up the phone line (and we really only got a house phone so our son can call his girlfriend since- call us old fashioned- we refuse to get our 12 year old a cell phone), so, ya know, of course I immediately thought something was wrong as soon as I saw that number on the caller ID. Cell service was disrupted so he had to use alternate means to get in contact 'cause he wanted to make sure the kids hadn't freaked out, 'cause apparently his co-workers had XD.
Last Edit: 2011/08/23 18:57 By Freya Ishtar.
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Re:East Coast Earthquake 13 Years, 6 Months ago
Karma: 56
Skyisthelimit wrote:
All in all, an exciting end to my summer  That's what my son said. "It gives us something to talk about on the first day of school tomorrow."
I thought a pipe burst in the house at first. Eventually, we all ended up outside comparing notes with the neighbors.
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Re:East Coast Earthquake 13 Years, 6 Months ago
Karma: 29
actually my family is in Richmond. I grew up about 20 min away from the epicenter. Family and friends say everyone is okay, it just scared the snot out of them all. lol
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Re:East Coast Earthquake 13 Years, 6 Months ago
Karma: 15
I am visiting my grandparents in Giles Co. (yup the place the news keeps saying where the first east coast earth quake was lol the fault line is under main street here), didn't feel a thing on the hill they live on but people downtown reported their houses shaking and what not.
I am the Master of Italian Pastry in Dokugareers, my tool is the rolling pin of cannoli.
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Re:East Coast Earthquake 13 Years, 6 Months ago
Karma: 22
Believe it or not, we shook pretty good where I am in New Jersey. I was outside at the time and to be honest, I thought it was a really strong gust of wind until I realized that the bench I was sitting on was shaking. I was like "why is the bench shaking it's stuck in concrete" It wasn't until the girls from the same day surgery center next to my office came running out going "OMG did you feel that?" I've lived in Jersey my whole life and this was a first that I can remember. My thoughts are with anyone that live in or have family around the Richmond Area.
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Re:East Coast Earthquake 13 Years, 6 Months ago
Karma: 24
I live in Richmond, Virginia. >___>;
I was at work, on my lunch break, mindlessly talking with my co-workers when we heard the rumblings. We were trying to figure out what it was, when our entire building began shaking. Everyone had to brace themselves by gripping the edge of the table and the quakes lasted over a minute, I think. I also had a window seat, so I was able to see all the people who were sitting at the patio just grab their computers and run away.
When it passed, everyone was just looking at each other in shock like, "An earthquake? Really? In Richmond? Since when?" A few minutes later, an announcement came over the speakers telling all the associates to evacuate the building. So, I'm thinking about... 3,000 employees, at the very least, were standing in the campus parking lot for about forty minutes while they cleared the building and made sure it was safe to go back inside.
Everyone's cell phones though, went out for about an hour or two. Mostly people were worried because they couldn't be contacted and they couldn't, in turn, contact any family members to make sure that they, too, were alright. As far as I know, there was no major damage and everyone is fine.
As a side note, I just felt the small aftershock about twenty minutes ago.
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Re:East Coast Earthquake 13 Years, 6 Months ago
Karma: 4
I just got back to Richmond earlier today, actually. The quake hit while I was in the dorm. It shook the whole building (and the attached parking garage). I was trying to figure out who was running through the halls with carts or what big truck went by. XD
Figures it was an earthquake.
What a way to start my last year of college. lol
Status: Working on oneshots and fics
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Re:East Coast Earthquake 13 Years, 6 Months ago
Karma: 56
Aurora Antheia Raine wrote:
As a side note, I just felt the small aftershock about twenty minutes ago.
Please keep those down that way. I finally got my daughter to sleep. I think she's afraid the earth is gonna shake the house again. I keep trying to play it off like no big deal, just something that happens. We've talked about why it happened and such, but I think it's still in the back of her mind. Not that I blame her.
Let's see, natural forces I've personally seen/felt:
now earthquake...
My life is complete... they can stop now... 
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Re:East Coast Earthquake 13 Years, 6 Months ago
Karma: 24
Yeah, tell me about it. My five year old niece was scared out of her wits with the aftershock. I was a little puzzled since that was nothing compared to that 5.8 earlier in the day, so I asked her about it. She said her daycare teacher said that was just a lot of people walking on the roof. I understand why the teacher would say that, so all the little kids wouldn't freak out, but at the same time, I don't want her running around like everything is okay if an earthquake occurs again in the future - especially if there's even a slight chance a bigger one might appear. So I had to tell her it was an earthquake, explain to her safety procedures, and all that other stuff. Fun discussion, that was. >___>;
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Re:East Coast Earthquake 13 Years, 6 Months ago
Karma: 2
Dude, I live in Virginia Beach, and I had just gotten outta the bathroom. I thought that I was just getting hit by one of my dizzy spells. But when the ceiling fan was swaying, I was like, "nope, the house is definitely moving!!" My aunt immediately messaged me and asked if me and the kids were ok. The kids didn't even notice... I've never been in an earthquake before... It was kinda weird.
``Some people are like slinkies; really good for nothing... But they still bring a smile to you`re face when you push them down a flight of stairs.``
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Re:East Coast Earthquake 13 Years, 6 Months ago
Karma: 22
(Okay so I'm seeing this a bit late) But I live in Dover, Delaware and we felt it for sure. I have a bad habbit of shaking my foot at my desk, and I thought maybe I was just shaking it too hard. Then my boss comes out of his office and says 'that's an earthquake' all noncholantly. It wasn't really bad, and only lasted about 2 minutes for us.
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