Ok, so I totally blame r0o for my moment of weakness when my oldest asked again about going to Otakon next year.

We were looking at those cosplay pics she posted, and after some discussion, I finally agreed. We are planning on doing a group cosplay. My hope is that my daughter won't flip out as much over the costumes if she's dressed up also. (she is terrified of Santa and the Easter Bunny, but can handle Halloween

What would be a cosplay that would be adorable, yet fitting for Baltimore, Maryland in the middle of summer. (gets kinda hot)
My oldest,in his teens, refuses Inuyasha. (I pouted) I was thinking of Black Butler, with the youngest,about 2 years old, going as Ceil, my daughter,about 5 years old, would be Ceil's fiancee, and my oldest would be Sebastian.
Or maybe Card Capture Sakura.
I would appreciate some ideas. Figure we should start working on it now, a bit at a time.