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Re:So you think YOUR a serious Cosplayer!? 13 Years, 7 Months ago
Karma: 55
and its for sale? curious what they'll get for it...
ACTUALLY, her whole cosplay collection is rad!! ZELDA COSPLAY!
Last Edit: 2011/07/21 19:01 By cakeiton.
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Re:So you think YOUR a serious Cosplayer!? 13 Years, 7 Months ago
Karma: 29
kinda gives me the shivers... something about the face of shippo. I wonder how she makes these! They are so detailed. Really pretty impressive.
also, have you guys ever seen THIS guy doing the Sephiroth cosplay? Crazy good:
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Re:So you think YOUR a serious Cosplayer!? 13 Years, 7 Months ago
Karma: 216
Holy Snickers Bar! thats amazing! seriously I am NOT a fan of cosplay normally b/c it NEVER looks like the personn they want it to be and if it does it's rare. too many times the outfit looks like it's too bright or too big too bold, never as if it was an outfit they happen to be wearing. Which i think is real cosplay, cant change my opinion of that. but yeah her, (the shippo/kirara lady) wow is all i can say, and for the Sephiroth guy, WOW! see his leather, it's not just black cloth it's leather or pleather, either way it's not just costumey so it looks amazing and his shouldergaurd things, real metal or plastic but still not paper mache or something like that... that always makes me crazy.
There's a guy that's local here, WAY back when i was in HS, i was in marching band, he was one of the band fathers, a real metal weider, he was asked to make a proto-type lance for the color guard. they thought it'd be wood, or paper mache... it was real. METAL. as in like i can stab the band members if i dont catch the drop spin @_@ the band director was all @_@ so awesome but NOT happening!
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Re:So you think YOUR a serious Cosplayer!? 13 Years, 7 Months ago
Karma: 29
*hangs head* I've never even so much as been to a convention. I'm like the odd ball in my group of friends who likes Anime, Harry Potter, Star Wars, comic books and manga. I've not had anyone to go with, and because any attendance would require some major traveling on my part, I've just opted not to go alone.
So naturally I've never done cosplay. Actually I think it might be a little too... oh how to say this delicately... "uber fan" for me to really feel comfortable doing. Still I imagine people have lots of fun doing it! I think coming up with the costumes I'd enjoy!
I was in my high school color guard and honor guard! The color guard used everything but sabers while I was there, but in the honor guard we had sabers and rifles. (of course not REAL ones of either, although the fake sabes managed a few injuries... not that a well timed gust of wind catching a tossed flag didn't cause enough black eyes. ROFL!)
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Re:So you think YOUR a serious Cosplayer!? 13 Years, 7 Months ago
Karma: 1
Probably the best Sesshoumaru Cosplay I've seen, ever. ;0_____0;
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Re:So you think YOUR a serious Cosplayer!? 13 Years, 7 Months ago
Karma: 10
OMG that Sesshoumaru rocks, and tbh he's like my dream cosplay but I'm terrified to even try...-sigh- anyways! As a fellow cosplayer to these guys I have to say bravo, I'm just getting started but I do pretty well for myself.
Those of you who're friends of mine on fb can actually see my cosplay pics n.n...though..o_o idk if you'd be familiar with the series or not, but oh well.
Cosplay is just a lot of fun to do and bravo to these guys 
Its okay to be insane, I mean lookit Dokuga, its FULL of nuts
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Time Traveler
Posts: 789
Re:So you think YOUR a serious Cosplayer!? 13 Years, 7 Months ago
Karma: 156
Oh wow, these all are so amazing! :o I saw a cute Shippo-cosplayer when I went to Animecon last weekend - not quite so devoted... But I was too lazy to take a picture. ;_;
I've been cosplaying 5 years, and I have a love-hate relationship with it... I'm one of the purists who does not believe in buying the costume - I would not want to hear praise and take credit for something I would not have done myself. :z But all my life I have HATED textile works of all kind. I don't crochet, I don't knit and the sewing machine is my enemy... and on top of that there is the chronic lack of MONEY because cosplay can easily swallow tons of it. >_>
I have a friend who has always wanted to cosplay Sesshoumaru - she has not yet done so, because once she will do it, she will want to do it PROPERLY... but we have a pact that the day she will do her Sesshoumaru cosplay, I'll be her Kagome. xD
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Re:So you think YOUR a serious Cosplayer!? 13 Years, 6 Months ago
Karma: 10
As a cosplayer I know how that goes, it eats money like a fat kid (or me) eats cake. SEriously. UGH! But I am proud of my cosplays that's for sure. here's a pic I just took.
Took me FOREVER to put this together. Neh if you guys didnt know I cosplay a gentleman named Sanji from One Piece, this is one of his outfits, the Water 7 Saga/Arc if you will n_n probably my favorite
Last Edit: 2011/08/16 17:21 By Mimiru.
Its okay to be insane, I mean lookit Dokuga, its FULL of nuts
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Re:So you think YOUR a serious Cosplayer!? 13 Years, 6 Months ago
Karma: 2
I have always wanted to do Cosplay...but there are very few black female characters to chose from ...Yoruichi from Bleach, Storm from the X-men....Fran from FF 12, Is there any others? I told hubby just once in our life time I wanna do comic con and we have to go dressed up...but not much in the Manga world (that we watch at least) for us to chose from...
I am leaning toward Yoruichi....(even though I do own a Storm costume!)
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Re:So you think YOUR a serious Cosplayer!? 13 Years, 6 Months ago
Karma: 10
tbh i dont think it matters if your white or black...if you have fun doing a character and cosplay then who cares what race you are  just have fun with it. That's what cosplay is all about. I mean, I'm a girl and I cosplay a boy character  its just for fun!
Its okay to be insane, I mean lookit Dokuga, its FULL of nuts
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Re:So you think YOUR a serious Cosplayer!? 13 Years, 6 Months ago
Karma: 29
CarmMeldoll I wouldn't even let that be a deciding factor. All that I know of cosplayers (because I'm not one, but sure do enjoy them!  ) is that they are some of the most laid back fun people ever. Its not like they are going to think you did the wrong character because you are dark skinned... for for that matter not Asian! And how many of us actually have blue hair or violet eyes? Its all about fantasy and fun. I'd pick a character you can identify with on a deeper level and just run with it! 
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Re:So you think YOUR a serious Cosplayer!? 13 Years, 6 Months ago
Karma: 55
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Re:So you think YOUR a serious Cosplayer!? 13 Years, 6 Months ago
Karma: 56
@Cakeiton: Soooo Cute
Here's one image I ran across a few months ago. These RL brothers are too cute.
(image courtesy of fanpop.com)
I'm thinking of taking the kids to Otakon next year but I'm not sure what to dress my two little one up as.
Last Edit: 2011/08/17 09:26 By KEdakumi.
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Time Traveler
Posts: 789
Re:So you think YOUR a serious Cosplayer!? 13 Years, 6 Months ago
Karma: 156
D'aaaawwwwwww the CUTENESS! *______*
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Re:So you think YOUR a serious Cosplayer!? 13 Years, 6 Months ago
Karma: 56
CarmMeldoll wrote:
I have always wanted to do Cosplay...but there are very few black female characters to chose from ...Yoruichi from Bleach, Storm from the X-men....Fran from FF 12, Is there any others? I told hubby just once in our life time I wanna do comic con and we have to go dressed up...but not much in the Manga world (that we watch at least) for us to chose from...
I am leaning toward Yoruichi....(even though I do own a Storm costume!)
You definetly shouldn't worry about that. I would love to see a good Yoruichi costume. Here's an excellent Ceil cosplay. So not only did she cross cosplay, but she went across race as well. I think, no matter the character, if you can pull it off, the more power to you. Click here to see this great costume
Ok and seriously, speaking of cross-cosplaying... have any of you seen Man-Faye? The guy has guts.  I won't scare people by posting his picture, just google him.
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Re:So you think YOUR a serious Cosplayer!? 13 Years, 6 Months ago
Karma: 26
*Finally back from the abyss. XD*
Those are some really great (and some very cute!) cosplays! Baby Shredder (I think?) made me laugh. Hehe. Adorable! <3
Here's one of my favourites, too:
Costume made and worn by akuriko.
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Re:So you think YOUR a serious Cosplayer!? 13 Years, 6 Months ago
Karma: 16
AaaahMigawd Man-Faye. I met him once.
There is also a Mander-Woman that travels the Wizard circuit. Met him in Chicago. Funny story-- he went into the men's bathroom and immediately five guys came running out. Too funny.
And you know, Avatar the Last Airbender (and soon to be legend of Korra) has opened up a lot of cosplaying for people with darker skin tones. I have seen some beautiful Katara and Yue cosplays from women who are black.
And overall? Who cares? Some of the best cosplays I have seen are people who do not precisely match the character descriptions. Who REALLY has a figure like that chick from Bleach? Who REALLY has Pink ninja desu desu hair?
Dress up for fun, and don't worry about what others think. Personally I focus more on the costume than the physical appearance of the person cosplaying. If I did, I'd hate every female Sesshoumaru out there... and that is like 90% of them. 
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Re:So you think YOUR a serious Cosplayer!? 13 Years, 6 Months ago
Karma: 31
KEdakumi wrote:
Ok and seriously, speaking of cross-cosplaying... have any of you seen Man-Faye? The guy has guts. I won't scare people by posting his picture, just google him.
No, I've seen ManFaye online but not IRL. But I have met SailorBubba IRL. 
When he heard a sound which was bitter sound and a sweet sound all at once, which began like hello and ended like goodbye. ~ The Storyteller
“And then, Dave made an improvised megaphone by using a squirrel, some strings and a megaphone.”
- The Narrator from Dave the Barbarian
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Time Traveler
Posts: 789
Re:So you think YOUR a serious Cosplayer!? 13 Years, 6 Months ago
Karma: 156
Exactly. Things like that don't matter too much if you don't LET THEM bother you!
Hell, I'm a few kilos over-weight and I have D-cup boobs. But I'm still going to cosplay as Rukia from Bleach in a few weeks. Because I like the character too much to care (and I can always suck in my stomach. HA!)
Besides, Yoruichi is awesome.
And think about how many Sesshoumaru cosplayers are women!
Not that you can blame the women who want to crossplay, because most female anime characters are petite lolita-esque cute little things, on then they're tall and slim with big breasts.
There are no female anime characters that I'd currently want to cosplay as who'd have the kind of realistic body type suitable for the short and chubby me. But I'm still cosplaying, because it's fun. :3
Last Edit: 2011/08/17 10:02 By Chie.
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Re:So you think YOUR a serious Cosplayer!? 13 Years, 6 Months ago
Karma: 24
Terri-tots wrote:
AaaahMigawd Man-Faye. I met him once.
Oh my god, lol, I met him back at Anime Expo '07. I had to tell him how tormented I was over him because my name is... Faye. And I would get teased a lot in online chatrooms. I'm NOT male in any way, shape or form!
Anyway, cosplay is serious business u gais. >.<
I'm Mario! omg, I've lost about 15 pounds since this pic was taken. xD
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Re:So you think YOUR a serious Cosplayer!? 13 Years, 6 Months ago
Karma: 2
Okay you guys have convinced me that I can do it! Now to pick one of my most favorites and give it a try....They hold a Anime Convention here in September if I remember correctly maybe I can get the hubby to try and will post pictures!
Those inuyasha boys are the cutest thing I have ever seen!!
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Re:So you think YOUR a serious Cosplayer!? 13 Years, 6 Months ago
Karma: 216
mou, i think my point for not liking cosplay in general was lost, what i mean is not that they are gender correct to whom they are portraying but just that this:
See the woman playing "sloth" from FMA, that's a real dress instead of some uber happy purple thing that doesnt look real b/c someone made it rather then just going out to say Ross' and finding a dress that matched the style.
Seee the person playing super blond Ed, that's a real suit, those look better, even though they are not 100% to the canon image.
but then i look at the one playing Ed/Al ? not sure which one they are supposed to be. and the top of the black outfit, looks overly large for the white parts, and the red is so "oh em gee-pay attention to me" red.
Then there's the the mustang. While yes thats the EXACT blue, givertake to the anime, it looks so very fake. if there was a real army with an outfit that looked exactly like that... i would laugh at them.
I dont tend to like cosply in general b/c people never really LOOK right. It's some ridiculously high % impossible to look like anime/manga b/c it is unrealistic, and instead of trying to make it look realistic for our world, people fail at trying to make it look SO much like their world.
that was my point. I think it's awesome that they have fun with it and stuff, but seriously every time i see a flat mokomoko on a "sesshomaru's" shoulder i think to myself that i wish he were real so he could strangle you b/c you didnt take the time to stuff your mokomoko. ....
Last Edit: 2011/08/21 22:02 By sugar0o.
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Re:So you think YOUR a serious Cosplayer!? 13 Years, 6 Months ago
Karma: 55
this girl got a daily deviation, so thought I'd share her cosplay gallery with all you lovely people! pretty neat!
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