a lot of early christian writing and jewish writings were not accepted. And something the things people wrote about so offended the chruch that they were banned. I use to serach with uncensored search engines but some were shut down. right now I am trying googoth.com but if not then i have to search deep web which is hard to find the site that does that. things are filter out of most place. I looked up a banned book and on google the said the lovecraft was the first writer, but when I went underground through the disbaned sit hell.com's google search engine I found that prinn wrote it 100 years earlier. I just can't find the right site to search through, heck I might actulaly have the name wrong. I do knew that if buddhist have heavenly demons and demons then christian do to. certain theme tend to repeat from what I have saw. I just wish I would stop getting repeats of the same stuff.

why can't they just search what i type? internet still needs work.