Last Edit: 2011/03/27 18:29 By lunaticneko.
Reason: typo
I claimed Kagura`s awesome flying feather! Everyone should have one.
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Re:Kittens everywhere~!!! 13 Years, 11 Months ago
Karma: 55
they look like ferrets lol
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Re:Kittens everywhere~!!! 13 Years, 11 Months ago
Karma: 27
They DO! My brother thought they looked more like rats. It still amazes me how tiny they are.
I claimed Kagura`s awesome flying feather! Everyone should have one.
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Re:Kittens everywhere~!!! 13 Years, 11 Months ago
Karma: 23
Ah~ I wouldn't say they look like ferrets, more like rats/mice with big heads. They're cute. Made me remember when I was younger and stray cat my family took in had kittens. Sadly our dog accidentally killed one(she was trying to move it somewhere, and it was slipping, so she tried to tighten her hold on it and ended up miscalculating.) But it was easy to find them all homes(when they were ready of course) C:
I'd suggest taking the two adult cats and the kittens to the vet, to have them all checked over. Good luck with the cat and kittens, they will be a handful. Your cat may end up moving them to different places if it doesn't feel like they are safe, so make sure to keep count of them. Thanks for sharing the videos of them.
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Re:Kittens everywhere~!!! 13 Years, 11 Months ago
Karma: 7
Aw, they are so cute!
Whoever fights monsters should see to it that in the process he does not become a monster. For when you look long into an abyss, the abyss also looks into you.
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Re:Kittens everywhere~!!! 13 Years, 11 Months ago
Karma: 27
Yeah, I poked my mom to do so. ( I was up for the weekend) There is a runt in the litter that my dad has been bottle feeding a bit, but it has been seen nursing. So far so good. They are currently in their own room in the house. 
I claimed Kagura`s awesome flying feather! Everyone should have one.
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Re:Kittens everywhere~!!! 13 Years, 11 Months ago
Karma: 5
lol that makes me remember when we had three cats all have litters a week apart, my poor pitbull was going nuts trying to figure out how to keep all the babies and mommies safe, my brother couldnt even come in the room. My pit loved kitties, and bunnies we ended up finding homes for all but 3 kittens so we kept them, we had a cat named after every single inuyasha character that my son could think of, yes even sesshoumaru, it was a white fluffy hemingway kitty, a hemingway kitty is one that has extra toes on its front feet, that one had 7 toes on each front foot.
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Re:Kittens everywhere~!!! 13 Years, 11 Months ago
Karma: 27
O_O Seven toes, wow that is crazy. Really neat, I didn't know they could have that many. And 3 different litters....now that is Kittens everywhere. I'd be in constant mother hen/ squeel mode. >.<
I claimed Kagura`s awesome flying feather! Everyone should have one.
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Re:Kittens everywhere~!!! 13 Years, 11 Months ago
Karma: 6
aweeeeeee... i would say I'll take one but I got 4 as it is and mom will not let me gat any more T,T
The Fluff is my muse the fluffs name is Sesshoumaru
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Re:Kittens everywhere~!!! 13 Years, 10 Months ago
Karma: 0
It's raining adorable! <3
Man, I wish I had a cat. My roommate's allergic.
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Re:Kittens everywhere~!!! 13 Years, 10 Months ago
Karma: 27
Just a update of the cute fluffy ones. Unfortunately, we lost the runt of the litter. But the other are healthy, and two may already have future homes.
Last Edit: 2011/05/01 20:17 By lunaticneko.
Reason: typo
I claimed Kagura`s awesome flying feather! Everyone should have one.
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Re:Kittens everywhere~!!! 13 Years, 10 Months ago
Karma: 10
Awwh! I remember when my cat sassy had her litter of 5, my dog Cardiff got overly curious and stuck his big 'ol nose in the kitten box with mama cat in there and I thought mama-cat was gonna have a heartattack she didnt know what to do and kept meowing for us to come help her.
Cardiff wouldnt have harmed him I think he was just wondering what the heck was going on lol! We wound up keeping two of the kittens, babe and boots are now almost 2 years old. Boots is 14lbs and babe is like 7-9 lol.
AWwh your mama cat is all like "help...me...>_<!"
Its okay to be insane, I mean lookit Dokuga, its FULL of nuts
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Re:Kittens everywhere~!!! 13 Years, 10 Months ago
Karma: 3
Such cute little things. I love the little pale on with it's face clearly visible. Kitties are the best. I took a look at your little video too and while a little blurry they were cute, cute, cute. Good luck with their further progress.
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Re:Kittens everywhere~!!! 13 Years, 10 Months ago
Karma: 15
Awwws sooo cute lol.
My daughters cat Plexi had kittens last Saturday...5, and I do believe april-may is the month for kittens!
I am the Master of Italian Pastry in Dokugareers, my tool is the rolling pin of cannoli.
Miss Anna S has Claimed Hitomiko\'s Bells in the Dokuga Claim Game
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Re:Kittens everywhere~!!! 13 Years, 10 Months ago
Karma: 0
It's sad about the runt.
The kittens are of the utmost adorable, then again, my first pet was a cat (though she only had three kittens), so I have a special place in my heart for cats. The mother looks so fluffy~ I miss watching my cat taking care of her kittens, but with my current cat, she has yet to be spayed and the only time that she gets outside is if I bring her out there on the harness (and then she tries to eat all the bugs that catch her interest, the spaz). My mother won't allow her to have kittens.
I hope the other kittens go to wonderful homes. 
Last Edit: 2011/05/02 09:42 By THoaWM.
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Re:Kittens everywhere~!!! 13 Years, 10 Months ago
Karma: 27
Yeah, I was pretty choked up about the loss of the kitten. Seeing the others thrive helps.
Funny enough the two strays, that ended up having getting together to have babies, were kittens my mom found in her yard that her cats took under their wings. It was really cute. Mainly my mom's cat Sammy would act as the mom... even though he's a guy but it was really sweet and they all slept together. >,<
Last Edit: 2011/05/03 02:47 By lunaticneko.
Reason: miss info
I claimed Kagura`s awesome flying feather! Everyone should have one.
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Re:Kittens everywhere~!!! 13 Years, 10 Months ago
Karma: 0
They are just too adorable. Sorry about the loss.
A long time ago when I was little, my aunt found a box of kittens abandoned on the side of the road. They were taken to a shelter and the vets all said the runt wouldn't live. My aunt kept the runt and with a lot of patience and care she pulled through. We had to hand feed her with a small bottle. Unfortunately things didn't turn out too well later in her life as my cousin(her youngest child), being too young to know the throwing cats is bad, threw her across the room every time he had a temper tantrum. She got mighty viscous because of this. After her second litter they gave her up to the shelter along with the kittens that they didn't find homes for. The only one they kept out of both litters passed away about 5 to 6 years ago.
I want a new cat so badly. Our own cat recently passed on from Kidney failure (I was petting him as he passed). Sadly we will have to wait till we can get a new kitten as my boyfriends mother won't allow us to have another cat right now (its her house we are living in).
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