As the art Mod, I'm going to put my two cents in and we're going to leave it at that. This site,, is what we consider an
image or doll generator. B/c of this, any pics posted from this site, of really cute SK babies, are gunna be deleted.
B/c I'm lazy and i don't want to go around deleting art, or hurting people's feelings on the subject, I'm gone to say,
do not post them in other, or fanart, they will po0fles and you will get a notification about it.
There are older pics on this site that are going to stay up, those are
'grandfathered' in because the rules for doll generators and posting images for people under 13 were not in place when they were posted. No new Images will be allowed like this on Dokuga.
Also there is the fact that Dokuga's rules
do not allow for underage pics posted. Granted they are that site's stock images, they are still pics of
someone's child. This too is not allowed in posting in the art section.
BUT we're not going to yank all your fun, if you feel you like these types of images, and make some that you want to share, you
can post them in the forums. Such as this one! but for those who don't like them,
*eyes some of the posters in this thread* please be considerate to the opinions of others. Dokuga doesn't play favorites with anyone.