Inuyasha: The Final Act 13 Years, 12 Months ago
Karma: 38
So I was browsing the internet, like I tend to do when I am supposed to be writing, when I came upon the voice cast for the dubbed series.
I was aware of the replacement of Sesshoumaru's voice [from drop sexy David Kaye's voice to 'I'm not sure how this is going to work out' Michael Daingerfield voice and I have come to terms with this.
I was most definitely NOT aware that Moneca Stori was ALSO replaced by Kira Tozer.
I know a lot of people dislike Moneca Stori's voice as Kagome, finding her annoying BUT REALLY?
Stori's voice has been a constant through out all 164 episodes and all 4 movies :/
It's like finding out Santa isn't real but monsters under your bed are D:
What's your opinion?
Last Edit: 2011/03/10 23:45 By Kagome Yuki Niwa.
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Re:Inuyasha: The Final Act 13 Years, 12 Months ago
Karma: 55
Never saw them in English, but if I was invested in the series with that dub, I would have felt like Jaken when they announced Sesshoumaru's voice change.
"Sesshoumaru-sama!!!!" *whimpering voice, bug eyes and tears*
For Kagome, her voice was supposed to be grating, she was a young teenager. I, personally with any show, like original cast because I'm sentimental in that respect, and have a hard time accepting change, even if it's for the best.
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Re:Inuyasha: The Final Act 13 Years, 12 Months ago
Karma: 1
I'm quite sad about this 
I'll miss David Kaye <333
I LOVE Kagome's voice, I dunno it just suites her and I'm gonna miss it :/
I dunno, I just don't like change when it comes to something that's been the same for a long, long time.
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Re:Inuyasha: The Final Act 13 Years, 12 Months ago
Karma: 18
This topic has been covered in another post also, if you are looking for opinions on the matter.
Here is the link for Sesshomaru's new voice discussion also, if you wanted to check that out.
For my opinion on it, I HATE when voices change. It kinda of ruins sequels, episodes and the like for me.
And in response to Sessh not being around much, he is a good bit more frequently in the Final Act> That is where, in my opinion, his character develops into more of a solid, and clear persona. I am very irritated by both changes, but as there is nothing that can be done for it, I pretty much have to suck it up and watch with the new ones, or stick with subs. :/
Made by the wonderful r0o
made by the fabulous Fox
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Re:Inuyasha: The Final Act 13 Years, 12 Months ago
Karma: 24
I, personally, hate any changes that occurs in the middle or after I've already gotten used to it. I'm still debating on whether or not to watch Inuyasha: The Final Act since they changed so many voice actors for it. It just wouldn't be the same, especially David Kaye for Sesshoumaru. *Cries*
It's the same with movies. If the director's used a certain actor/actress to portray a character role, in the sequel, it had better darn well be the same actor/actress portraying the same character. If not, I'll have to carefully consider it before deciding if I'm going to watch or not. (IE. The third Mummy's movie - didn't watch it.)
I just don't like changes. Original cast is always the best, in my opinion.
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Re:Inuyasha: The Final Act 13 Years, 12 Months ago
Karma: 24
At first I was a little upset that Kaye wouldn't be returning as Sesshoumaru, but I heard on a podcast the other day featuring Kirby Morrow (Miroku) that he was very impressed at how much the new voice actor, Michael Dangerfield, sounded like Kaye. So that is very promising.
I hope Viz makes some announcement about releasing the new series soon! I'm so very much anticipating it!! ^o^
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Re:Inuyasha: The Final Act 13 Years, 12 Months ago
Karma: 7
I myself don't really like when voice casts are changed in the middle of a series, but sometimes they do work out. I LOVE David Kaye as Sesshomaru, but I looked up Michael Dangerfield, and I did find a video where his voice actually sounded pretty similar. It might not be as good as the original, but hopefully he'll be the next best thing.
I'm gonna give this guy a shot. After all, they wouldn't have cast him in the part if they thought he didn't do a good job, right?
Whoever fights monsters should see to it that in the process he does not become a monster. For when you look long into an abyss, the abyss also looks into you.
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Re:Inuyasha: The Final Act 13 Years, 11 Months ago
Karma: 8
I love the final act so much that I am willing to give them a try, but I am sad. I loved David Kaye's voice as Sesshomaru, though that was before I watched the Japanese sub version and listened to that deep, sultry, baritone voice.... **swoons**
But I'm getting off topic.
I actually liked Kagome's/Monica Stori's voice, it was distinct and not just some random girly voice. I'm going to miss her and I really hope the new voice actor doesn't do the "damsel-in-distress" type voice that I despise (coughOrihimeinBleachcough)
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