Hello and good morning my lovely Dokugians, I just crawled in from work and decided to make this topic. I'm not sure if I am allowed to post a thread like this, if not - I will remove it

I'm an avid Relay for Life participant and am doing it again this year. I plan to donate all of the tips I make this month towards my cause - and will also be walking on a team.
Cancer is something that effects everyone in one way or another. I'm a firm believer that everybody has been touched by it in some way - whether it is a loved one who has had it, or knows somebody who has a loved one who has had it. I for one have had many run ins with cancer. I lost both my grandparents to it, and my dad 3 years ago this month to it. I have also had early onset cervical cancer and have been fighting to keep it away for several years now - so cancer and I know each other quite well.
Anywho! If anybody is interested my page is:
I'm also looking for brainstorm ideas on ways to get donations. I was considering a bake sale along with donating my tips. Everybody seems to like my baked goodies D:. HALP ME THINK LOVELIES. YOU GUYS ARE SMARTZ D:.
*Keels over from sleep depravity.*