Freya Ishtar wrote:
I'm with Hairann & Madi on this. One paycheck to a household with three kids leaves us barely 2 pennies to rub together after all the bills are paid & groceries are bought (do you know how much food 3 boys can go through? >_<).
That being said, I, too, would be more than happy to offer one-shots or dokugasonas/fanarts for donations. I'm hoping that when taxes roll around I'll have enough spending money to put some cash on my prepaid credit card & then I'll be donating monetarily as much & as often as I can.[/quote]
HAHA! Yes yes I could have wrote your post! 1 Paycheck 3 boys = OW

! And I was also planning on the same thing, when taxes roll around (since I cannot write or draw to save my life) I will donate as much as I can, because that IS something that 3 kids help is taxes! And I have to do something to keep my addiction going, I probably checked here 20 times when it was down.