I started reading fanfictions when I stumbled over Naruto-based fanarts of Itachi and Sakura. I think the first one I read was 'Loophole' by Leafy Girl- very well written, wonderfully thought out, and then it was closely followed by Kakashi-Sakura stories (though that was short lived) which lead to the very first fanfic I started writing called 'In Moonlight', but as I was writing it the manga was going in a direction of 'reveal the past motivations' and I realized how far off my fic was from what was happening and I wanted to rework the story to go along those lines . . . just never got around to it. After that, I was a pretty hardcore NejiSaku writer & fan and was even still writing a few of those stories when I tripped over the SessKag fandom.
Been here ever since . . .

if you ignore my two year absence, but then I wasn't really doing fanfictions at all during that period.