It is a wonder I turned out as normal as a phishy could with my genetic make-up considering what my father said and apparently believes.
I was talking to my mother about the books Pride and Prejudice and Zombies by Seth Grahame-Smith and Sense and Sensibility and Sea Monsters by Ben H. Winters. When my dad walked in. Interrupting me mid-sentence, he asked if I read the new book Abraham Lincoln, Vampire Hunter by Seth Grahame-Smith.
I said not yet but I plan on it and we were just talking about the author. In mid-sentence again, he interrupts me with a quick rundown of the book's plot. I said, "Yeah, it's by the same writer as Pride and Prejudice and Zombies. I'm gonna have to buy it to add to my parody book pile. I love what the authors are doing now."
Dad, confused, asked what I meant.

"Just that I love all the parody books about classics and such being released."
He then preceded to get angry. "You're telling me it wasn't real?!."
*blink blink* ".....Nooooo...... it wasn't real....." I laugh, thinking he is pulling my leg with sarcasm.
"(insert curses) Thanks. Just thanks. I'm not going to even finish the book now."
To make a TL;DR story short. He seriously thought the book was based on true events and Abraham Lincoln was actually secretly a vampire hunter. Weep for me Dokuga, and pray I don't pass these genes along to my kids.
Oh, and laugh, I did!