Miss Anna S wrote:
She sees you as part of her pack, not part of your pack.
You could always true what my husband did with our dogs when they were pups lol...Inu and Sess were both dominate pups of the litter so when we got them they considered us their pack not our pack, he bit them on the ear like the mommy would do to assert his dominance over them lmao. No lie I got a pic lol

Trust me, I have wanted to bite her back many times. But to be honest I have been kind of not wanting to do so because I have heard that using physical displine or what not will make the pup submit to you because of fear, not respect.
I really want her to know not to bite by the time she finishes getting all of her shots. Because then I will begin her socializing. Which will include introducing her to dogs of all sizes and ages, and people of all ages, sizes and races.
So I want her to know biting it not a good thing to do, nor will it be acceptable. I just want her to grow to be a good natured, well behaved, happy dog. She will be a big dog, so I want to get rid of all bad habits now so she doesn't suffer later. I am just starting to think that maybe I'm not good enough for her :/
BUT after I did those alpha training exercises last night I have noticed that she isn't biting me as much and when I say 'No' she leaves whatever she was going after alone and goes to play with her toys.