Reading through everyone's responses I find everyone has valid points. Here is my take:
I have been with the same guy since I was 14. We just celebrated our nine-year anniversary this year, have been engaged for about three and are quite content with each other. Though we have a lot of the same friends, we also have different ones. Most of our friends are very similar to us; nerds/gamers. I have some friends who do LARP (live action role-playing), some that are just into games, others who do the anime conventions in our area, such as Dragoncon.
All in all, we understand one another. But there are always things that we each like an dislike. I have a couple of friends who are not into video games, doesn't understand the purpose behind anime conventions, and think my infatuation with fan fiction is bizarre. They just shake their heads, smile, and go on with life.
I have others who read manga, watch anime, or even go to conventions, but don't understand my love for Inuyasha. They tease me almost mercilessly, but I know it is all in jest. They say things in such ways that I know it is jest.
My own fiance doesn't understand my love for Inuyasha, or why I like the Sess/kag combo, but he just smiles, nods, and lets me go about my business (so long as it doesn't interfere with me giving him attention

My point is this. He could be a great guy. He could be the sweetest person alive. But I have seen too many of my friends' fiasco relationships to not read the signs here:
1) He obviously doesn't respect your likes and preferances if he completely blows off the entire idea, and then degrades it. I am not really one into conventions. But I have never been. I say in most cases (food doesn't count

) don't knock it 'til you try it. If I could ever scrounge up the money for it, I would go to an anime convention. I may not like it, but the experience would be fun just to experience it, and if I don't like it and never do it again, well at least I tried it. He won't even give that a shot. I don't like that.
2) He promised early on he would go. There is one thing I cannot stand, it is broken promises. Break a promise with me, and I will incur a wrath worse than Kagome and Sesshoumaru combined could ever bring! I
REFUSE to even make a promise unless I KNOW I can keep it. No ifs ands or buts about it. To me, by promising he would go, and then breaking that promise, it is not only disrespectful, but if you allow him to continuously break promises without retribution of some sort (even if it is only a forty minute lecture) then he will walk all over you. I would know. Have been there and done that with multiple people.
3) I couldn't tell if this was being said or not from the wording. But from what I gathered and what others seem to be saying I will address this anyways just in case. I almost get the impression he is trying to get you to not go either. If this is the case I have plenty to say about that. For starters, this is beginning of a controlling streak. If this is the case, it would probably be wise to get out of the relationship. I have seen too many of my friends end up with really sweet guys who had a massive control problem. Some it got to the point of actual mental and verbal abuse. No one and I mean NO one has the right to tell you what to do but you, regardless of what it is. I don't care if it is the right or wrong thing. It is your life to make your own choices and man up to any consequences for those choices. NEVER let anyone tell you what to do. Listen to advice, but control your own life. Secondly, by telling you not to go is yet another form of disrespect. Not only have you already paid for the convention, but have had plans to go for months. Anyone who would tell you to waste money and time like that obviously doesn't care or respect you.
4) Here is something I notice no one else has brought up. What he said about the convention and those who go there bothers me in many ways. Some have already been mentioned. Others have not. Here is what I think. By saying what he did, he not only insults those who attend the convention, but he actually insults you as well. You are one of those "weeboos" going and dressing up. Not only is he disrespecting those who attend, but he is disrespecting you as well by saying what he did. He may not have referred to you or meant it for you, but considering his words, yes it does refer to you. Moreover, I am HIGHLY offended by what he says. Not only am I one who would dress up or possibly even attend to some of these events, but it is also a jab at friends of mine who yearly attend these events. I am even one who would dress up as Harry Potter for the midnight showing of the movies first entrance and even get into "wand duels." My friends may tease me saying they will "pretend they don't know me," when I do, but overall, they don't care. I may even dress up as Kagome, or Sailor Moon, or another anime character for an anime convention. And I am not a "40-year old virgin."
No, his comments are disrespectful, uncalled for and uncouth, insulting, and degrading. Not just to those who participate in conventions, but to you, me, and anyone else. It doesn't matter if there are 40-year old men dressing as Sailor Moon. It is their choice. He can get over it. He cannot control what others do. He doesn't even have to like it or associate with those people. This is for you and him to have fun. He should be able to find SOMETHING that makes the trip fun for himself.
No, to me, not only does this sound like a bit of a control trip as well as an exuse to get out of this for some reason.
I apologize for my brashness, but this is a sort of situation I have see occur timeless times with friends and peers. I would not wish that on my worst enemy. I don't know you or have ever met you, but I find my heart going out to you. So I apologize for the brashness, but I am talking to you like I would my own friends when they ask for advice.