Jennifer and Scott Petkov 14 Years, 4 Months ago
Karma: 78
Okay, guys is this just Michigan news, or do you know what's up with this?
A couple named Jennifer and Scott Petkov, from Trenton, Michigan, have been taunting and cyber-bullying this seven-year-old girl who lives in their neighborhood, who is dying of Huntington's Disease. The girl's mother died at 28 of the same degenerative brain disease.
This lovely couple created graphics on their website of the little girl's face melting into a skull and crossbones, and her dead mother in the arms of the grim reaper.
They have put a coffin in the back of their pickup truck, and pulled into the girl's driveway, honked, and screeched their tires on many occasions.
The woman, Jennifer Petkov, was finally charged with SOMETHING when she attempted to run over a friend of the family who was on her way to visit the little girl's grandmother.
Can anyone explain to me what is wrong with these people? Or our society, given the fact that the Petkovs obviously are under the impression that what they are doing is even remotely acceptable?
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Re:Jennifer and Scott Petkov 14 Years, 4 Months ago
Karma: 22
Wait...were these people ADULTS?!?!?!?!?!
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Re:Jennifer and Scott Petkov 14 Years, 4 Months ago
Karma: -666
I read about this a few days ago. She admitted that it was to torture the little girl's grandmother. Apparently there's a long running family feud, and obviously this woman has gone far beyond too far. Funny how it's resulted in quite the opposite, since the little girl was given quite a few donations.
I reject your reality and substitute it with my own.
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Re:Jennifer and Scott Petkov 14 Years, 4 Months ago
Karma: 22
You know what, family feud or not, these people should be disgusted with themselves. To take a family's suffering and exploit it, turning it into their own sick joke and actively publishing it makes me physically ill right now. No one, sick or not deserves that kind of treatment but to inflict it upon a sick little girl who has already lost so much...just to upset the grandmother is down right inexcusible. This reminds me of that mother, I believe in NYC, a few years ago who created either a fake Myspace page, or chat name or whatever under this boys name and flirted actively with a young girl who was already insecure about herself. In the end the "boy" said some really horrible things to her and she ended up commiting suicide...I think she was 13.
Honestly, I worry about this world sometimes. People have become so petty and insecure that they will stop at nothing to hurt other's and it frightens me. I don't understand why people just can't accept other's for who and what they are and put aside stupid things and focus on the things that matter.
I hope these people fry in hell because let me tell you, if that were my child that this had happened to all of my Dokuga buddies would be bailing me out of jail because I would have gone nuts.
I hope that this young girl's community has rallied around her and given her the support that she needs.
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Re:Jennifer and Scott Petkov 14 Years, 4 Months ago
Karma: 2
A few weeks ago, I read an article about a few homosexual teen suicides. One of the teenagers was a girl who had hung herself outside her home. During the girl's open casket viewing, a group of female students that had bullied her actually laughed at the expression on the deceased girl's face. Really disgusting and shameful stuff out there.
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Re:Jennifer and Scott Petkov 14 Years, 4 Months ago
Karma: 78
That other adult woman, who pretended to be a teenaged boy and deliberately drove a girl to suicide was exactly what I was thinking of as well. And just recently, at some New Jersey university, a teenage boy's roommate recorded him having sex with another male and broadcast it on the internet, aparently with the help of a girl that was attending that university as well. The boy, who was apparently keeping his sexual orientation private, killed himself by jumping off a bridge after this forced "outing".
And the Petkovs are adults, apparently they have at least one school-aged child.
Why is bullying legal? And even if it is, why don't the neighbors band together and do SOMETHING about the Petkovs?
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Re:Jennifer and Scott Petkov 14 Years, 4 Months ago
Karma: 22
Yep, that happened at Rutgers University here in New Jersey(I'm from Jersey) and honestly it's horrifying. Lately it seems to be the trend to torment young people because of their sexual preference and I just....don't get it....tomorrow is "Wear Purple Day" if you want to show support and respect for the recently deceased gay men who have taken their lives because they were being tortured for it. I most assuredly will be wearing as much purple as I can find.
As for these Petkov people, I hope the judge takes one look at them and throws them both away for a very long time. And if the judge doesn't do something I hope the community does.
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Re:Jennifer and Scott Petkov 14 Years, 4 Months ago
Karma: 20
People who bully people are horrible, but someone who bullies someone who is physically or mentally ill they need someone to set them straight. When I read the post about the Father in Florida getting on the bus to defend his daughter, who has cerebral palsy, from bullies; that made me furious. This makes me sad for humanity. These people need to be put behind bars. Family feud or not.
Wicked knows all... watch her bounce
I claimed Jakotsu\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'s Sword in the Claim GAME!
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Re:Jennifer and Scott Petkov 14 Years, 4 Months ago
Karma: 2
I don't know if anything they're doing could be considered criminal (even though it should), but I'm sure that they could get a civil settlement in their favor if the family sued the Petkovs.
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Re:Jennifer and Scott Petkov 14 Years, 4 Months ago
Karma: 23
(I apologize if there are any spelling errors in this my laptop is currently getting fixed so im on my cellphone)
Bullying is wrong,sad and just plain disgusting. Add on that these people are adults just adds onto how disgusting and sad they are.
Events like this,and the deaths of those homosexual men makes me feel relived that society is beginning to take all forms of bullying seriously.
A lot of celebrites have begun to make videos for the gay/lesbian/transgender community called 'it gets better' something I am grateful for as I have a younger sibling that is transgender.
Along with this major channels(such as nickeloden,cartoon network,disney)are drawing attention to bullying and providing help and advice.
As for this couple I have no doubt they will get what is coming to them. Hopefully they go to jail or something and thier children get taken away from them, as they are obviously not mature enough nor mentally stable enough to raise children.
I wish this small girl and her family luck. Hopefully they will get peace and happiness soon.
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Re:Jennifer and Scott Petkov 14 Years, 4 Months ago
Karma: 15
It's awful that our society has fallen so far.
Adults picking/bullying children, teenagers bullying other teenagers. And for what reason? Because the other person is different? People seriously need to grow up and realize that they are not the only type of people on this earth or they will lead a very sad life.
I am the Master of Italian Pastry in Dokugareers, my tool is the rolling pin of cannoli.
Miss Anna S has Claimed Hitomiko\'s Bells in the Dokuga Claim Game
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Re:Jennifer and Scott Petkov 14 Years, 4 Months ago
Karma: 29
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Re:Jennifer and Scott Petkov 14 Years, 4 Months ago
Karma: 92
I will say this, from the perspective of someone older, and I doubt anyone will disagree... Kids can be nasty, evil little monsters and some never outgrow it when they become an adult. Those nasty things that they did as a kid, bullying, picking on people that are different, being cruel, etc. just become more malicious and hateful as they grow older and more sophisticated. In the age of the internet, this has become more pronounced because they can get online and do things there that would have gotten them arrested if they did them in person so they now take that route so that there isn't legal consequences to their actions.
This case, though sad, isn't all that odd anymore. There are plenty that have pulled such things, some worse, some not as bad, up to this point and, in most states, there are no laws against such things. The law, sadly, in many cases, hasn't caught up to the technology and there really isn't anything that anyone can do. The thought on it seems to be that people want a free, unregulated internet that the government stays out of for things as much as possible but that comes at a price. The price is cases like this. So, really, either way you go, people aren't going to be happy with the outcome or the way it's handled.
I do agree that these people should pay the price in some way but how that is, I'm not sure about. In this case, since they were exposed, I'm imagining that they are paying a price because of the exposure, probably in a very nasty way they didn't expect. We all know what some beings on the internet can be like when they get their teeth into something... It's probably backfiring as well, again, not something they expected.
I just look at it this way, when things like this come to light, we all learn a lesson from it and it helps promote tolerance in a way those that perpetrate such things never imagined. It also gives us all a view in a different light about things that are out there, something that we can all learn from. Let's face it, there is a life lesson in everything like this.
Also, Karma is a wonderful thing. It will come to bite you in many ways when you do something like this, most of them you won't like... 
Fun fact: All writers are crazy, to some degree. There is a reason for it -- actually making it through a novel almost requires it. If you love to read, then you\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'re continually benefitting from other people\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'s craziness.-From Cracked
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Re:Jennifer and Scott Petkov 14 Years, 4 Months ago
Karma: 3
Daniella I was reminded of the same incident! Megan Meier was the little girls name. They didn't charge the people responsible because they couldn't figure out a law it broke...I think. maybe somethings changed in the case since I last read about it.
I just can't wrap my head around stuff like this. Too even do it and as a society not to punish those that do.
Last Edit: 2010/10/20 01:05 By banana.
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Re:Jennifer and Scott Petkov 14 Years, 4 Months ago
Karma: 26
I never heard about this story on the news! That is just awful. I can't believe adults (who are supposed to be responsible) would do that to a child - and an ill child at that! Then again, I also didn't think that a man could torture, rape and kill his 11-year-old niece (and he actually looked up things on the internet to prolong her suffering, the sick b******d), or that a couple could sexually assault a 5 month old baby and record it. Ugh! Honestly, I'm getting sick with all these lowlife, evil and disgusting people in this world. I feel like taking a baseball bat to their faces sometimes... *Sighs* Sorry about that. I just feel so angry and sad whenever I think about these terrible stories. I feel like I'm losing a little bit more faith in humanity every day... 
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Re:Jennifer and Scott Petkov 14 Years, 4 Months ago
Karma: 29
I just... I can't fathom anyone mocking a seven year old who is dying. From the video I posted it seemed their target was the grandmother, and they were using the seven year old to target her with. I just - I don't understand.
I think of myself as a highly intellectual person - maybe not so great with math or spelling and grammar (as anyone who reads my posts or stories would see) but when it comes to everything else, I pride myself on there being absolutely nothing beyond my capabilities to learn or understand. But this... I can't even wrap my brain around it. Its so far beyond the realm of reality to me that its not possible to rationalize or think through to come to some sort of comprehension of the situation.
The video says that they are self-proclaimed devil worshipers, but it is my experience that "devil worship" is really just a group of people seeking to redirect fault and blame for their choices to live selfish and indulgent lives, the results of which often bring harm to those around them. I am of the unique belief that the devil is of our own making, and that we have the power to make the devil stronger or weaker. In the end one cannot blame the devil for wrong doings, only themselves... there is no such thing as "the devil made me do it," in my reasoning. That's why this makes this situation even harder yet to understand.
I can't help but wonder if there isn't something chemically or psychologically wrong with these people. That's the absolute only thing that could make any sense out of this, is that they are beyond their own means to help themselves and know from right and wrong. And perhaps its wishful thinking, because I hate to think that there is really that kind of tangible evil in the world.
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Re:Jennifer and Scott Petkov 14 Years, 4 Months ago
Karma: 3
I'm a Satanist, not gonna hide it. We don't do anything to harm kids or animals though, unlike the Satanic Panic tried making it seem years ago.
So called Devil worshipers, like you said, use it to justify their own evil actions. They don't want to take responsibility, so they don't.
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Re:Jennifer and Scott Petkov 14 Years, 4 Months ago
Karma: 54
Khayos wrote:
I'm a Satanist, not gonna hide it. We don't do anything to harm kids or animals though, unlike the Satanic Panic tried making it seem years ago.
So called Devil worshipers, like you said, use it to justify their own evil actions. They don't want to take responsibility, so they don't.
I know how you feel Khayos, I'm Wiccan myself so I understand what it's like for people to completely misinterpret my religion or turn it into some sick joke. I have actually spoken to a few Satanists and understand the difference between the real thing and the wannabe. So at the very least, know you're not alone  .
And for the original post: It's stories like these that make me glad I stopped reading/watching the news. I haven't seen a single news story in nine years and I plan on keeping it that way. The world is going to 'heck' and I have no intention of watching it happen. Simply let me know when we get there.
But a word of warning for everyone with kids, young or teenagers, predators can come in many forms, including classmates and fake online accounts. No matter how annoying you may be to them, watch what you children are doing and who they are interacting with, online and in real life. Make their profiles private, make sure they know they can talk to you if someone is bullying them or worse.
I can't do anything for that little girl except keep her in my thoughts and prayers, most likely it's the same for all of you as well, but you can help protect your own children. Be an active part of their lives, on earth and in cyberspace, and make one less victim easy pray for the monsters of this world.
I claimed Tenseiga`s resurrection power!
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Re:Jennifer and Scott Petkov 14 Years, 4 Months ago
Karma: -666
Honey-Bee wrote:
I never heard about this story on the news! That is just awful. I can't believe adults (who are supposed to be responsible) would do that to a child - and an ill child at that! Then again, I also didn't think that a man could torture, rape and kill his 11-year-old niece (and he actually looked up things on the internet to prolong her suffering, the sick b******d), or that a couple could sexually assault a 5 month old baby and record it. Ugh! Honestly, I'm getting sick with all these lowlife, evil and disgusting people in this world. I feel like taking a baseball bat to their faces sometimes... *Sighs* Sorry about that. I just feel so angry and sad whenever I think about these terrible stories. I feel like I'm losing a little bit more faith in humanity every day...
All right, I think this thread has run its course. Dokuga is supposed to be a happy refuge we all come to so that we can have a break from the real world and things like this. I don't come here to read about torturing, raping and killing, so I'm locking this thread before everyone whips themselves up more.
I would say EVER, but it's 3am and I might just be cranky.
I reject your reality and substitute it with my own.
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