I didn't want to post this in my actual stories, but I think I'm coming off as vain by making a new thread...
Anyway, I just thought I should inform everyone who reads my work that for the next four months or so I may not be posting as religiously as I have been. My sister has been accepted into the Peace Corps recently and is set to leave in February, and after those four short months she's going to be gone for 2 years.

As I'm more than likely not going to see her for the next two years, I'm going to be spending as much time as I can with her before she goes.
That is not to say that I'm going to stop posting or writing completely! I'd die if I stopped either of those, and the people here on Dokuga are too awesome to abandon (even for a few short months). I just wanted to let you all know ahead of time, in case the schedule gets all wonky.
Still, sorry for any future inconvenience, and thank you.
Please Regard Me Kindly,
I Agree