Well, it's that time again. I'm gonna be lonely this weekend. The Phishy's hubby is going on another install to California again, this time he will be in Glendale. More specifically working on a wallpaper mural in The Limited at Glendale Mall.
So I'm gonna warn all the Dokugians near the Glendale, CA area. The Phishy's hubby is invading. No 'one if by land', nor 'two if by sea'. He is flying in! So if you see a bald man with glasses and a red-ish beard (and mooooshtache) at the Glendale Galleria's Limited this weekend, be afraid. Be very afraid...... and say Hi!
I wonder if I can get him to wear a tag that says "Hi, my name is JC. If found, please kidnap and return to Dokuga Island. The Phishbon3s ish missing him."?!. What do you think my odds are?