Your little Phishy would like to wishy every Dokugian everywhere a Happy Talk Like A Pirate Day!!!!!!!!
Rock out like the salty dogs we are all at heart!
Blast your favorite pirate songs on your stereos, and wear your dvd/vcr out with pirate-lious movies! Swagger in your favorite pirate rags, fly a few Jolly Roger flags, put on your eyepatch, answer phone "Avast! How may I be of serrrrrrvice?" And for our
of legal age mateys, swig your grog and rum!
And for added fun, what are your fav pirate movies or songs? Or just name as many as you can think of. lol
I love The Pirate and The Princess (with Bob Hope) and Muppet Treasure Island
Awesome pirate songs are:
You Don’t Know Jack by The Great Luke Ski
Blow Me Down by Moneyshot Cosmonauts
Talk Like A Pirate Day by Tom Smith
The Pirate Song by The Great Luke Ski feat Tony Goldmark
The Captain’s Wife’s Lament by Paul and Storm
Cover Of The Pyrates Way by Pirates For Sail
Hoist the Jolly Roget’s by Rob Balder
Airship Pirates by Abney Park
Space Pirates by The Gekkos
Kidnapped By Pirates by Tom Smith
All For Me Grog by Emerald Rose
If I Had A Million Ducats by The Brobdingnagian Bards
The Pirates Who Don't Do Anything by Veggietales
The Pirates Who Don't Do Anything (cover) by Relient K
Hey, It's Can(n)on by Tom Smith (bonus - it's Harry Potter and Pirates!)
Salty Dog by Flogging Molly
A Pirate Christmas by Tom Smith
A Pirate’s Love Song by Jake Waters
The Last Saskatchewan Pirate by The Arrogant Worm
Captain Kidd by Great Big Sea
The Pirate Song by Ray Stevens
Fifteen Men On A Dead Man's Chest - traditional

woooooh that's a lot.