Worst neighbors ever 14 Years, 8 Months ago
Karma: 23
My old neighbors moved out a month or two ago, a few weeks later a new family moved in. They have been nothing but fudging trouble, I swear there are about 15 people living in that house.
I live in a duplex, behind our yard is space for our parking(three cars) and the neighbors parking(they have a garage plus extra space) Anyways it's pretty easily divided where our and their property ends and begins. We have never had trouble before, or if we did it was like 'oh okay' and we got over it quickly.
However, the new neighbor parked in our spot(even though our cars were there before) and my dad goes out there and he's like 'Can you move your car please, that's my spot'
and she got all in his face and started yelling at him and was like 'well I don't see your name on it!'
Anyways so she was yelling at him for like five minutes and then my dad was like 'move it, or I'm calling the landlord' and went inside. So she moved her car, there were no more parking problems after that.
Then the next problem we have with them is, they were stealing our internet. We have had a wireless adapter for our internet for about the seven years we have lived here and we have NEVER had a problem before. Then they move in and we start having problems with it. So we checked it and it said they were getting internet from our wireless adapter. Which is annoying because it can give us viruses. So anyways we order a new adapter from our internet service and now that that's plugged in and everything they can't use it anymore and yay!! now I no longer randomly lose internet connection.
So that's taken care of, but now, now we have a new problem. They suddenly get a dog, a big full grown dog. So we think 'okay they are just dog sitting it' but the sucky thing about this is. Our dog is not dog friendly, so we take her out on a leash. However, our backyard doesn't have a fence, so I can control her, but I can't control other dogs, and they don't have a leash on their dog when he is out. So while that made me super nervous for the other dogs safety, and my own dogs safety, I was just extra cautious when I took my dog out.
However, tonight about an hour ago I get a call from my brother. He said 'make sure the back doors closed all the way'. I made sure it is and then five minutes later he calls me back up and is like 'call animal control' I told him I didn't know the number to animal control so he tells me to come outside, and that he's going to be late for work.So I go outside and the neighbors dog is out there roaming around. My brother said he knocked and rang their door bell about five times for each and they weren't answering(but their lights inside were on and you can see them in there)
So I was like 'alright' anyways, he told me he would get the non emergency police number when he got to work but to hold the dog until he left so he didn't hit it(I guess he almost hit it earlier) the dog is super friendly, really just adorable so I didn't mind holding him. Anyways then my dad asks what's happening because our dog inside is freaking out. So I tell him what is happening and my dad comes out and goes and pounds on the neighbors door multiple times(I mean, heck even if you're asleep you would hear that) But they still don't answer, he rings the door bell too, still no answer. So I get the non emergency police number from my brother, call them up tell them all that's going on and they send someone out.
As soon as the police officer comes, he puts the dog inside the car and goes and knocks on their door. As soon as he knocks on the door, they answer. That made me so mad. Anyways I don't know what happened after this, because I went back inside. If they are babysitting the dog for someone else, I hope the real owner comes and gets him. However if they aren't and it's their dog, if they don't want it anymore I hope they find another owner for him or give him to the shelter. Because leaving an elder dog outside in the night like that is ridiculous and to be honest I'm kind of worried for the dog's safety now.
Sorry again for ranting but gaah these are the first neighbors that we have ever had this much troubles with. I'm sure it's going to get worse now on , but I mean the dog was the last straw for me. I officially dislike these neighbors now.
Last Edit: 2010/06/25 01:54 By PRVN.
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Re:Worst neighbors ever 14 Years, 8 Months ago
Karma: 5
We have one of those kinda family's living across the street,they rent from the person we are buying our house from. I will tell you what the cops told me to do,everytime they say something to you document it, do not respond no matter how much you want to. Then take the logs to your landlord and show him the log, it proves harassment. We had to get camera's for our property because things started happening to stuff here. Our neighbor that lives next door was sitting on his carport and they shot his cat in his yard with a bb gun and that was when the cops told us all what to do. The camera's we got even had night vision and mic's good thing because the 26 yr old son shot my 9 yr old autistic son with the bb gun in our yard and we got it all on tape. He didn't realize that it had mic capabilities and told the cop he didn't mean to but tape proves he was lying. He was charged with assault with a deadly weapon, assault and battery of a child, shooting into an occupied dwelling.He was damn lucky our dogs were in the house or fence or no he would have gotten eaten, I have a very large and I mean large German Shepherd, and my son's dog is a American bulldog/springer spaniel mix(think Falcor from Neverending Story)So now hopefully we can get rid of our nasty neighbors, I am pretty sure there is one in every neighborhood though and they are no fun.
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Re:Worst neighbors ever 14 Years, 8 Months ago
Karma: 7
Such lovely neighbors. Now I am not so upset about the eggs on my car and the broken off hood ornament. Luckily for me I tolerated it for a few years and than their house went into foreclosure. Haha. PRVN, as for the situations with the dogs, the area behind your duplex is considered your yard, if another animal enters your yard and your dog attacks it, you are not held responsible. The onwner of dog who strayed into your property is at fault for anything that happens. This is becuase a dog is the owners responsibility, and the owner of the "straying dog" is at fault for failure to control thier pet. So if the neighbors dog comes into your yard, your dog attacks it, and your dog is injured in the scuffle, the other owner is responsible. As an animal lover and animal welfare advocate I more than understand your plight. That would break my heart too. Follow Kori's wonderful advice document everything. Every little thing, the date and time it happened as accurate as possible. Keep all the document information in one place, less likley to lose it.
What nasty neighbors you have. In the case involving your son, I hope he is alright. As a early childhood educator and having worked austic children, an incident like that can be doubly traumatizing. Hopefully the police have led you to victim's services, and are helping you take care of any medical bills and therapy this is going to cause. I would not only be seeking criminal charges against the man but civil ones as well. That is an act that is incomprehesible to any human being.
I wish you both the best of luck in dealing with your issues, and pray that karma gives thier just deserves. Let us know how everything goes, Dokuga loves nad cares about all its members, we are an odd family brought together by love of sess/kag.
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Re:Worst neighbors ever 14 Years, 8 Months ago
Karma: 78
Guys! This is going to sound kind of awful, but it is a relief to me whenever I realize I am not the only one with such evil neighbors! I'm gearing up for the 4th of July, when every year these people gather on their deck (their house is the only one in the neighborhood built sideways, so their decks and windows look directly over our front and back yards), and shoot illegal (large) fireworks into our yard onto the roof of our house, vehicles, etc. In the morning, every July 5th, the roof of our house and everything else is covered with the remains of fireworks, and needless to say, the noise goes on all night. Because our city has an absolutely huge national festival during this time period as well, the police don't respond to "neighborhood disputes". I won't even go into a litany of all the episodes of vandalism and harassment that have taken place over the ten years I've lived in my house. And since I am (un)lucky enough to live in Michigan, I couldn't sell my house, even if my husband were willing to give up and move. Kind of wish it was the days of the wild west, and I could just shoot them, or beat the c*** out of them, but you know what would happen then. Because they are so disfunctional, they are constantly getting arrested and sued, however, and I get some satsifaction every time a process server comes around looking for them, or the cops pull up in their driveway...
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Re:Worst neighbors ever 14 Years, 8 Months ago
Karma: 279
Knifethrower, I live in Michigan too, and I know what you're saying. The housing market here is HORRIBLE! We were so afraid when our next door neighbors put their house on the market, thinking that either it was gonna be foreclosed or worrying about who would buy it, since our neighbors had been there for 25 years. We lucked out, though, and the new neighbor is a quiet guy who keeps the place looking nice. Whew!
PRVN, I am sooooo sorry to hear of all your troubles. I think kori's advice is the best, though. Keep track of EVERYTHING so that you can present it to the landlord. No landlord wants to rent to people that cause nothing but trouble, this I know. Let us know anytime you need to vent... like Wood said, this is your Dokuga family and we'll be here to listen!!

\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\"The foolish and the dead alone never change their opinion.\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\" - James Russell Lowell 1864
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Re:Worst neighbors ever 14 Years, 8 Months ago
Karma: 12
I live in Michigan too and am so blessed with good neighbors now. Well, there's one who's a little thoughtless, but he's an angel compared to what you guys are going through. The worst neighbor I ever had was a single guy in the condo next to mine. We shared a common wall and he installed a home theater with a surround-sound system. He would blast it at such high volumes that I could hear the words clearly - even at the back of my condo, farthest from his unit.
In the summer I keep the windows open as much as possible, but he would come home at 2-2:30 am drunk with his drunken buddies and whatever girls were desperate enough to be picked up by them and they would party in the parking court right under my window. One night I yelled, "Ray, it's 2:30 am, take it in the house!" He got mad because I scared the girls. I asked him if he would rather I just called the police.
Then he decided to turn his garage into a party room and put up wood paneling and was trying to decide what kind of flooring to use. Another neighbor and I pointed out to him that in the bylaws, a copy of which he should have received when he bought his unit, it stated that loud noise was prohibited after 11:30 pm until 8:00 am. He got very angry and told us that it was his unit and he could do whatever he wanted to in it. We told him that we would be contacting the property manager with our complaints as well as calling the police. Happily, he sold his unit, which was a mess, shortly after that and moved out. The new owner ended up taking him to small claims court because he didn't fix the huge holes he left in the walls when he removed his sound system. And she won!
I consider myself very lucky that I've had only 3-4 troublesome neighbors in the 25 years I've lived here; and NONE of them were at the levels of PRVN and Kori's neighbors. It is beyond me how people can behave like that. And shooting a child is unconscionable and beyond barbaric. A long prison term is the least he deserves. But keeping a log of all interactions is vital and if you can afford it, having video cameras set up is an excellent aid in combating these dreadful neighbors. And the fewer confrontations the better because some of these people are insane, functional, but insane. And Kori, Wood's advice is very sound, go after them for civil damages too. Prison is horrible, but taking their money is often a worse punishment.
Last Edit: 2010/06/25 13:29 By Rowdy.
This is starting to make sense... time to up my medication.
I live in my own little world, but it\\\'s okay, they know me here.
Even if the voices are not real - they have some pretty good ideas!
I don\\\'t suffer from insanity, I enjoy every minute of it.
Everything I say is fully substantiated by my own opinion.
Until further notice, celebrate everything!
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Shikon Miko
Posts: 1154
Re:Worst neighbors ever 14 Years, 8 Months ago
Karma: 34
I feel so bad for all of you. I have never had a bad neighbour. Ever. I mostly get the ones who don't care about having neighbours and don't bother with us, but we currently have THE BEST neighbours ever. They are so nice.
I really hope this doesn't sound stereotypical but maybe it is because I am Canadian and i find that in general we are more friendly. Shoot it still sounds stereotypical. Damn. I know that we still have bad neighbours here but none that i have personally experienced.
I hope that everything will be ok for all of you. And the key to peace is to ALWAYS DOCUMENT BAD THINGS. Then you have records and nothing can be disputed if you have pics and videos as well. Anyways good luck guys.
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Re:Worst neighbors ever 14 Years, 8 Months ago
Karma: 5
I would go after civil, but it would gain us nothing, they have no money, and as a side note when the cops were investigating this incident they noticed several things odd to them and found he had several pot plants in the backyard, stolen tvs, monitors etc.. the mom went to jail as she was under house arrest for selling to an undercover, none of the 5 adults over there worked, they got ssi, and disability. The only one of them that we could tolerate left right before this happened, he refuses to speak to them and is one of the reasons the cops found the drugs.The bad thing is we weren't home when it happened we were out shopping and got a hysterical call from my 17 yr old and her 19 yr old bf at the time. If one of the deputies hadn't been my friend and was waiting for me, I would have went to jail for shooting him.One of my best friends is a Haitian immigrant, her mom is Vaudan,or well Voodoo practitioner, Momma Taryn scares even me. She came over and well I told her I didn't wanna know about it, but have at 'em.My son's dr is a great person and he has helped us alot with this whole thing. My son is doing ok, but it's hard to explain to a normal child why a grown man would shoot them, much less one with autism, so we have been doing what we can. Thanks to everyone for the concerns, and Prvn what one person said about it being your yard and attacking you yes your dog can defend himself and you on your property, just make sure you have all shots and your rabies and tags, remember do not not matter how much you want to, respond to them as they can turn it around and call the cops on you.Good luck hun. This is the first nasty neighbors we have had as well in 18 yrs anywhere we ever lived had no problems, this just floored us. The lady that lived there when we first moved in was a sweet single mom, and her little boy was just adorable and played well with the kids.
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Re:Worst neighbors ever 14 Years, 8 Months ago
Karma: 17
Our neighbors aren't too bad. The worste that happens around here is that they're sometimes loud (we live in an apartment building).
I'd go crazy if my neighbors were this bad... 
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Re:Worst neighbors ever 14 Years, 8 Months ago
Karma: 2
when i was little we had these neighbors who would expose themselves to us. They were grown men and would just pull down there pants and stick it out the window. The Father and the son both did it. there bedroom window faced our kitchen windows and when we would go into the kitchen there would be penis in your face. we called the cops every time, but the men would leave right after. And the cops said we had no proof and to record it but we were poor and couldnt aford a camera. They remolded there house and borded up the window. They have all been to jail numerous times. It sad when childhood memories from when you are four are tainted with an adult penis hanging out the window and some ass laughing at it and saying watch it dance. 
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Re:Worst neighbors ever 14 Years, 8 Months ago
Karma: 2
I think I had one of the worst neighbors. Talk about GHETTO. All hours of the night her children (all below ten) would run up and down the street. The next morning your car would be coated with different color paintballs. Everyone knew who did it but no one could prove it because the rest of us had jobs and needed our sleep. The woman would walk down the street in the evenings high as a kite in nothing but a very sheer nighty. Apparently someone told her she was cute and could sing so she chose this time to show her goods and sing (BADLY) She was always getting in fights with her boyfriend. It got to the point that I knew the police officers in my district all by name. One night she came out screaming and swinging an iron (Yes the one you use to get the wrinkles out)and got another neighbors car. This time she resisted arrest and was locked up. After that the whole family continued to be a nightmare but at least they quieted down some./ 
The neigbors on the other side aren't bad just trifling. He once told me he wanted to get with me because I even had food at the end of the month. Boy do I need to move.
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Re:Worst neighbors ever 14 Years, 8 Months ago
Karma: 1
Wow. I feel bad for everyone with bad neighbors. I live on 28 acres in Texas, so the clostest neighbor is barely withing walking distance. But When I lived in a town, the people that lived next door would constantly take my dog when I let him out to do his business. They said that he walked over there, yea right. He was a pure bred dalmation and we lived in a poor part of the town while my parents were going through a divorce. Eventually one day when he was left outside so he could do his stuff while I was picked up from school he was taken and we never found him. The neighbors said that he was worth a nice bit of money...they never did get busted for it either. 
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Re:Worst neighbors ever 14 Years, 8 Months ago
Karma: 54
The good thing about moving so much, almost once per year, is if I have bad neighbors they normally don't last long. I can only remember one actually bad neighbor and he was the pot head that lived below us two apartments back. He would call and complain to the land lady every day about the noise we were making and it got to the point that she had to give us a warning that we might be kicked out, which she hated to do cause she liked us.
But the thing was, we weren't blasting music late at night or yelling and screaming or anything like that, he would complain about us walking across our floor. Yes walking, not stomping or jumping or running, walking while wearing socks. I have a roll-able chair for my desk, I can't stand up and back up a normal chair without scrapping it across the floor because my legs are too short, so I've always had to use one with wheels. And he would bang on my floor every time I rolled back, which when you are a smoker that goes into another room to smoke, that is a lot. Then I had one of those ear piece head phones, the kind that are tiny and just go in one ear, and one night I dropped it, barely made a sound but he started banging away again.
But roommates really are the worst, forget neighbors, I never want to have another roommate and we've only had one. My hubby's and my first apartment together we move in with a friend of his from college, female by the way. And in the beginning everything was fine. They both worked so I took care of the house keeping, other than her room and we paid two-thirds of everything, except rent which was half, since there were two of us and only one of her living there, even though her boyfriend was there more often than my husband was.
Suddenly a few months is, she completely goes crazy. She starts complaining about me leaving the dishes until morning, we ate dinner at around 1am and I didn't want to do the dishes that late. Then she complained about me pushing the shower curtain to the side, said it was peeling paint when I was more worried about mold and such since the bath tub wasn't drying. Right after our next door neighbor gets broken into, her and her boyfriend start leaving the door unlocked, no matter how many times I remind them not to. And I spent from around 2 or 3 in the afternoon til after midnight home by myself.
Then I almost burned by hand when she left the stove on, for the second time, on high and she of course claimed she didn't do it, but I hadn't used the stove that day and my husband cook? lol umm no. About this time both my husband and I quit smoking, he lasted a week and me a month before she drove us back to it. I had finally had enough and wrote a list of problems that needed to be worked on, including her leaving food on her plates, since the rules were you rinsed them off and stacked them up, then I would wash them.
Instead of listening to the list, she completely ignored it and made her own. All of which were out outrageous. Then hubby and I were watching Bride of Chucky one night and every time it got to loud scenes, I would turn it down all the way, just to make sure I didn't wake her. One of them, her or her boyfriend, gets up in the middle of the night and notices we are watching a movie, I know they couldn't hear it behind her closed door because I checked the next day.
The next morning, she sets her radio right on the other side of our bedroom wall and blares it even though hubby has to work that day, and even told him later that she did it on purpose to get back at us for having the tv too loud the night before. This was the final straw for us, we started looking for another apt, found one and told her we were moving out. She turns to her boyfriend and says 'see I told you they were going to' before telling my hubby that it was fine, but we had to continuing paying our share of the rent.
Which living on one part-time check is impossible when you have full rent somewhere else as well so we were stuck living there. Finally we got a bit of good news, a few weeks later she told my hubby that she was moving out, and smartly he said only if she continues to pay her share of the rent, to which she agreed. This was October and for the first few weeks she continued to pay her rent, then one day she comes over with a bill, in her name, addressed to her knew address, demanding my hubby paid two-thirds of it.
Now when she moved out, everything was moved over into his name, she wanted him to pay for a bill completely hers, even though she was only paying rent with us, not still helping with the other bills. Of course my hubby told her no, so she waited until he had gone to work one day, came back and took her dead bolt off of the front door and stopped paying rent. Which left us with a giant 'come break in' hole in our door for a few days, thankfully no body did.
And that was just the tip of the iceberg, there were many other things including how she complained that we put a password on our own personal computer, gave us no warning for her moving out and since she owned all the things like the fridge and stove and most of the dishes, left with them without giving us time to replace them. We ended up living for a month out of a mini fridge and electric skillet. And the fact that she still owes us about 2k in back rent but hubby refuses to sue her, he's too non-confrontational lol.
I much prefer my neighbors where we are now, all they do is scream and yell and honk their horns whenever their team wins a game lol.
I claimed Tenseiga`s resurrection power!
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Re:Worst neighbors ever 14 Years, 8 Months ago
Karma: 23
Thanks everyone  I know this might sound bad, but I'm actually kind of happy that I'm not the only one that has to deal with terrible neighbors-makes me feel less along  . Though Kori, I think your neighbors are worse than mine!!They sound terrible, actually just down right nasty. Hopefully they move soon, so you are your family no longer have to deal with them.
Also, Hairann. I've heard the nightmares of roommates before, but that one is among the worst that I have heard of. I don't think I'd ever want to get a roommate with anyone. But that's just because I really don't like not being able to control all that goes on around me(house wise; such as cleaning, the dishes, where things go etc) I mean, I have problems living with my dad and brother right now, I don't think I'd be a good roommate. But at least now the bad roommate is behind you guys!!
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Re:Worst neighbors ever 14 Years, 8 Months ago
Karma: 2
I've been very lucky with neighbors over the years, the worst one was 2 houses down from me - her kids kept bringing home stray kittens, that she would keep until they got older, and then put them outside permanently. And no, she didn't fix them either. (This is how I learned about trap, neuter, release programs  )
We moved out to the west coast recently, and I think the guy who moved in upstairs is an insomniac Fred Flintstone...who paces...often. I'm not sure HOW I can hear him through concrete floors with carpeting, but I can. He only sleeps between the hours of 3am and 6am. I'm pretty sure I'll get used to it in a few weeks, but wow.
Right now this is what I hear:
*thud* *thud* *thud* *thud* (pause)
*thud* *thud* *thud* *thud* *thud* *thud* (pause)
*thud* *thud* *thud* *thud* *thud* *thud* (pause)
*thud* *thud* (pause)
*thud* *thud* *thud* *thud* *thud* *thud* *thud* *thud* (pause)
etc etc
I wonder if it's a secret code?
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Re:Worst neighbors ever 14 Years, 8 Months ago
Karma: 1
So there's a colony of bats that lives in this pillar that is attached to our house.
Mind you, they're a protected animal.
So my neighbor keeps insisting that we remove the bats, she seems to think you can just call animal control where we live and get it done. Well animal control doesn't handle bat colonies and you can't exterminate them because they are protected. Also, this particular colony of bats has babies who cannot fly on their own so we couldn't get them removed even if we could afford to right now until the babies were self-sufficient
She argues that they could bite her kids which I suppose would be true enough if her kids(who are very young) made a habit of being out past sunset without adult supervision. She worries about rabies: fun fact - rabid bats have a hard time flying which leads them to die rather quickly.
Sure they're logical worries(if you disregard the fact the rabies ratio for this size bat is lower than all bats which is 1%) which could be easily addressed by teaching the children not to touch bats they see on the ground(those are the ones that will bite if bothered) until the bats can be removed but nope apparently harassing your neighbor about something they can't do anything legal about is the best way to handle the problem. She knows we're planning to have them removed and are saving money for it and she continues to complain as if that would magically increase the house-hold income.
You'd also think if they were that worried about their children they'd offer to split the cost or something. Ok so they've got like 7 kids but they recently had ginormous tree removed, had the trunk pulled out of the ground, and planted a new one(of a kind that I am allergic to grrr)
So, now I've made sure that we don't have any plants that could possibly poison her children either since now I know she won't teach them not to put the leaves/berries in their mouths and will probably blame us for it.
That's not even the worst part. She's happy to point out our faults yet her family is loud in the mornings to the point where we can hear it in our house(some of my household work at night). Yelling, screaming, pounding on the fence, a radio that I can hear when I'm in the shower(man that freaked me out and it's not like we live in a duplex, they're in their yard). They're at their third or fourth dog. I had to constantly feed and give water to the first one and they've left them all outside no matter the weather and summer temps are 90-115 where I live.
Yeah I just don't like them and I happen to think that those dead bats I find occasionally are their doing. The way they die(and I've watched some die) is indicative of rat poison and external injuries on separate bats respectably. The external injuries can be blamed on the other neighbor's cat except for the fact that the only cat I could think of that can snatch a bat out of the air like that is a Caracal and those are quite illegal here, nevermind that cats take their prey home or eat it usually.
Oh and when the bats are removed and relocated she's going to complain about the mosquitoes. Of course, she won't actually be able to do anything about those since all bug repellents trigger my asthma.(small comfort after all the stress she's been putting my poor mother under)
Oh and one more thing, she also seriously thinks the bats are vampires... really of all the reasons to be afraid of bats? Where are the people from?
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Re:Worst neighbors ever 14 Years, 8 Months ago
Karma: 54
PRVN wrote:
Also, Hairann. I've heard the nightmares of roommates before, but that one is among the worst that I have heard of. I don't think I'd ever want to get a roommate with anyone. But that's just because I really don't like not being able to control all that goes on around me(house wise; such as cleaning, the dishes, where things go etc) I mean, I have problems living with my dad and brother right now, I don't think I'd be a good roommate. But at least now the bad roommate is behind you guys!!
Yes, very happy to be passed her and quite willing to deal with the cheering after a hockey or soccer game around here from the neighbors. If that's the worst I have to deal with, than I got lucky here. But something you said reminded me, about how you would want to control where things go. When we first moved in together, it was decided that I would arrange the kitchen as I saw fit since I would be doing the cooking/cleaning and I am rather short, I have to be able to reach the stuff I would need everyday.
And she readily agreed to this. After we started having problems, we came back one day from shopping or a date, can't remember now, but the entire kitchen had been rearranged while we were gone. And of course, everything I used every day was at least on the second, if not third shelf, both of which were way out of my reach.
@Bree: Ah the poor bats. Bats are awesome, that lady is crazy.
I claimed Tenseiga`s resurrection power!
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Re:Worst neighbors ever 14 Years, 8 Months ago
Karma: 29
My, I know how you feel.
We had new neighbors, and they are so many in the house, they have a tent installed in the backyard permanently for the extra people. Their youngest kid, (before my dog died a month ago) was also knocking on our door to make the dog bark, and when my dog was in the backyard he'd scream at my dog, trying to get it all excited. They would send their balls in our yard, and literally look through our bedroom window and look at us. Once I was like "Can I help you?" and the girl just kept staring. They would lean on our front door (which has a glass window) and so my dog would bark naturally, and they wouldn't move even when we asked. They were so many people, they borrow our chairs, and sit on OUR front porch. They leave their door open, and play music all night.
We keep trying to talk to them, and they wouldn't stop the musics. They a literally 25 people leaving in a 3 room appartment (one bedroom). They have a twenty people tent outside. I'll let you think how loud that is. They have 12 children in there. and six grandchildren. 7 adults. They were stealing our internet as well. We had to get it changed to.
They even poked my dog with sticks, and what not.
I really understand how neighbors can be annoying sometimes.
Hang in there.
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