For those here who write fan fiction, I have a few question for all of you.
Do any of you have Original characters? Have you ever thought about or have you ever written stories with those characters(that doesn't involve just placing them into fan fiction but a story actually about them)?
Did you find it easy to write stories with your original characters in them, or did you find it harder than writing fan fiction stories?
I'm planning out one of my own original stories, with all of my own characters and their own world. While I haven't exactly began writing it yet, I am doing little things to get myself out of fan fiction mode(such as drawing pictures of my Original characters, writing small bits of their own histories etc.) and honestly, I'm finding it hard to share these stories or artwork.
The artwork is easier to share, however the stories of them and their history I'm finding it actually harder to share with others. The characters in this story I'm planning, have been with me(In my mind) for a majority of my life. So it's kind of weird, I don't know how to explain it really. It's not that I'm afraid people will dislike them, nor do I dislike the stories themselves.
It's more makes me nervous? I find it hard to actually write the piece, even if I have it all planned out and have everything in my mind, it's hard for me to actually type out the words when it involves my own characters. Which I find kind of funny. One of my Original characters that will appear in this story as a side character has been around the longest and because I adore him so, I decided to put him in one of my fan fiction stories as a background character(or an extra body, he was actually Kagome's dad in the story).
But when I wrote him in that it was so easy to write him into the story and write about him(But while he was still his character and acted the same as his usual self. The creature he was in that story is different than what he actually is, so his appearance changed too.) However now that I'm writing him in all his glory, I'm feeling nervous to actually share him with others or write out this small tale about his history and how he came to be the creature he is now. It's the same with my other characters, this makes me nervous to how it will be when I actually start writing the story that involves all of them.
So that's why I was just curious, has anyone else had this problem or difficulty with your original characters? If so, how did you ease out of it, or at least make it easier to write?
Because I really do want to share their stories.