Family/friends reactions to your love of lemons... 14 Years, 8 Months ago
Karma: 2
Do you have any stories about a family member or friend finding out about your love of reading lemon stories/looking at naughty pictures/watching lemon scenes in certain animes on here, on any other sites online or on TV? What were their reactions? Good? Bad? Weird?
I remember one time when I gave my Fanfiction.Net alias to a friend so that she could read one of my fics that I had posted on there. She loves a good fanfic, but she's not really into the lemon stuff... Unfortunately for her, I forgot to tell her that I have a few other stories that are... well, not suitable for the younger crowd, and she's the type who dislikes lemons. She liked my non-lemon fic and ended up looking at my other stories... The next time I saw her, she asked me if I had repressed sexual desires that needed counseling.
Also, another time, I had just bought Earthian and was watching it while two relatives from out of state were over. We only had one TV at the time and it was in the living room where my parents and relatives were. As this was my first time watching it and had no idea what I was in for other than seeing pretty boys with wings, there was a certain... scene where Chihaya and Kagetsuya get... intimate... and they all watched it with me. My parents then proceeded to ask me why I watched "this disgusting junk," which happened to be my first visual experience with yaoi. My relatives laughed at me as I immediately turned it off and ran to my room, embarrassed.
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Re:Family/friends reactions to your love of lemons... 14 Years, 8 Months ago
Karma: 42
I've had a few close calls with family members but I normally try to link them right to the story I mentioned to them and they're not net savvy enough to really figure their way around otherwise.
Once I had a friend who I recommended my lemon stuff too.. and he liked the normal ones and then he found 'Divine Flesh' which is decidedly not normal... I played it off as cool but I know he really thought it was disgusting. But it ended up in a challenge to make a zombie lemon and make it hot... so I guess it all ended well... but the feeling is nervwracking
in a nonfanfiction situation... there was one time I had a desktop screen that was sort of japanese style of a woman and an octopus >.> yea my mom almost walked in and saw that but thanks to some quick screen pulling up I was safe...
Now I live alone so aside from my accidentally linking things I'm pretty safe... <3 PW protected compey
Oh almost forgot about the time my grandma picked up my sketchbook without asking.
Normally when I show it to her I only show her the safe one and excuse my not showing her all of them by saying 'you can't see the unfinished ones' well one time she just picked it up. She got to the first naughty picture and then kept flipping and her eyes kept getting wider and wider >.< now everytime I talk about drawing she asks if the people have clothes on this time xD She wasn't mad though, my grandma goes with the flow most of the time.
Last Edit: 2010/06/18 23:33 By MontiK.
^~~~~ Teensie made me a pretty Banner!!!! :D
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Re:Family/friends reactions to your love of lemons... 14 Years, 8 Months ago
Karma: 3
I'm absolutely paranoid about people walking in on me reading a lemon  (especially since some people love to stare at the screen and read whatever you were doing) Which is why I'm almost always listening for anyone coming near my room and will switch to another window if someone is near. Gets rather nerve-wracking because some people like to burst in quickly without warning. I don't actually care what they think about it, I'd just rather not have the awkwardness and them trying to inform me of their opinion as if it matters to me.
MontiK wrote:
Oh almost forgot about the time my grandma picked up my sketchbook without asking.
Normally when I show it to her I only show her the safe one and excuse my not showing her all of them by saying 'you can't see the unfinished ones' well one time she just picked it up. She got to the first naughty picture and then kept flipping and her eyes kept getting wider and wider >.< now everytime I talk about drawing she asks if the people have clothes on this time xD She wasn't mad though, my grandma goes with the flow most of the time.
I hate it when people try to randomly pick up my sketchbook. I like to take mine with me most of the time so I have something to do while bored. And of course when I start drawing it tends to attract people, about half the time they want to see more. Once I had just started a sketchbook with some mature pictures, so I decided to take another new sketchbook with non-mature pictures. That way if anyone asked to see my art/show it to someone else I could just hand them the non-mature one 
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Re:Family/friends reactions to your love of lemons... 14 Years, 8 Months ago
Karma: 11
hmmm... well I had very secretive computer habits until I was like a junior in college. No one knew I read fanfic for like 10 years after I started (and a LOT of it too) so I only had to have something alt->tab ready in case someone walked up behind me.
I don't think it would have mattered anyway though, my parents were pretty lenient - when I was 13 my dad found me reading one of the Clan of the Cavebear books (note for younger Dokugans: its a series of pre-historic glorified romance novels. Lots of explicit sexual content) and he just teased me about it.
When I was 13 I also started sketching nudes, and now drawing nudity is like a non-issue for me. I actually forget that there are people who are offended or weirded out by nakedness.
For fandom stuff now I'm just pretty much shameless. Someone will ask what I'm reading and I'm pretty much like "Smut." Getting to the point where you don't give a flip about what others think of you is AWESOME.
Last Edit: 2010/06/19 00:25 By janey-jane.
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Re:Family/friends reactions to your love of lemons... 14 Years, 8 Months ago
Karma: 2
The only person that really knows I read lemon is my boyfriend. Which might sound sketch...
See, it all happened on a trip home from Colorado. By road. And its a rather long trip home -- about 14-15 hour ride. In a car filled with friends whom, while I love them to death, were so annoying at this point that I was like: "Huzzah, 3G!" and started reading some fics on Dokuga. My boyfriend was sitting next to me at the time, but was watching anime with the others and suddenly his attention turned to me.
Apparantly, my face had gotten really red.
When he asked what I was reading and I blatantly lied -- "NOTHING!!!!" -- we had a battle over my phone. A battle I, thankfully, won. But apparantly my ferociousness had piqued his curiosity even more and he started reading over my shoulder.
He was like: "Wow...You've taken this Sesshomaru and Kagome obsession of yours to a higher level."
But, strangely -- oddly, kind of weirdly, a little uncomfortably -- he seemed to approve of my reading habit and told me to tell him the next time a scene like that appeared in the fic again.
So freaking embarassing. XD
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Re:Family/friends reactions to your love of lemons... 14 Years, 8 Months ago
Karma: -666
Janey-jane wrote:
I don't think it would have mattered anyway though, my parents were pretty lenient - when I was 13 my dad found me reading one of the Clan of the Cavebear books (note for younger Dokugans: its a series of pre-historic glorified romance novels. Lots of explicit sexual content) and he just teased me about it.
Wow, I started reading those at about that age. The first one was really clean (even read it aloud with my mom and my 11 year old brother at the time). Then I got the second one... and I read that one alone and silently in my room. Easily my first exposure to the citrusy side of writing 
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Re:Family/friends reactions to your love of lemons... 14 Years, 8 Months ago
Karma: 2
my family is so like strict that it drives me nuts. when i read some good ol' fashion smut, i get inspired to try it ou with my boyfriend. he always asks me where i get my crazy ideas and i say "ancient japanese secret"
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Re:Family/friends reactions to your love of lemons... 14 Years, 8 Months ago
Karma: 3
My love of lemons my boyfriend loves even encourages because of the things he does. He is actually active on dokuga through my account since he likes to read lemons. He is especially found of speedy tomato but that is a whole other topic lol. I am still a closet lemon reader to most of the people I know. They know of my reading romance novels and such but not the true extent of my lemon fetish when is expanding into erotica. 
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“I am only one, but still I am one. I cannot do everything, but still I can do something; and because I cannot do everything, I will not refuse to do something that I can do.” - Helen Keller
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Re:Family/friends reactions to your love of lemons... 14 Years, 8 Months ago
Karma: 5
The only person that knows I read Fanfiction is my friend who also reads it, and I think she knows I read lemons  We had a convo once and I told her that I saw a lemon on her FF.net favourite list, and then we started talking about it. Sooo embrassing.
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Re:Family/friends reactions to your love of lemons... 14 Years, 8 Months ago
Karma: 4
Ok so, three people know I read fanfiction, and thereby lemons. First is my mother. I'm pretty sure she knows because I once forgot that I left Adultfanfic open to a pretty bad story... but she doesn't ask and I don't tell.
My friends are the other two. One of them reads fanfiction, and she proved it to me for the first time by pulling out her laptop and saying "Hey, read this, its pretty good." What I read was a Harry Potter story where Snape imprisoned Hermione and essentially said, "I'm gunna sex you up and get you pregnant and then we'll go from there" but in a more Snape-ly way. My reaction to that was along the lines of "Umm... yeah... um... do you have this in sess/kag? : D"
My lemon experience with the last friend was the best (or worst) of all of them. She wasn't big on fiction, but we had found one that we both liked, so we were sort of looking around for more like it. I came upon one that looked good; it was a story-a-chapter deal with characters from Pokemon, Metroid, Mario, and all those sorts. The first couple of chapters were funny, so I told her about it, and she began to read as well. After the first couple of chapters... it changed. At first Samus (from Metroid) began to battle her enemies with her "big, bouncing, breastices". Then Misty had a close encounter, from behind, with her Psyduck. By this time we were not exactly sure what to make of it. It was likely her first encounter with anything sexually explicit and I wasn't much better. Still, morbid curiosity and all... We kept reading. The next chapter feature Brock on the receiving end of Pikachu's three-pronged, man meat attack. Yes. Three-pronged.
She stopped reading fiction completely, and I no longer spoke of it with her. For the most part I make light of all my experiences, and I will continue to. Unless my mother decides its a good topic of conversation... 
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Shikon Miko
Posts: 1154
Re:Family/friends reactions to your love of lemons... 14 Years, 8 Months ago
Karma: 34
No one speaks of things like this with me. T-T They don't wanna talk writing with me at all and no one is really big on reading and those that actually do read? They do not read the same things i do.
I did write a lemon and show it to a now ex-friend. She read it and them just blushed and said i didn't warn her what it was about. When I had specifically told her it was a lemon and asked her if she knew what it was before I gave it to her. After that i stopped showing things. I would love to meet a fanfic fan in RL
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