I LOVE the whole flirting thing... it had me doubled over in laughter the whole way through. Can't wait for the next chapter!!! Oh how it begins!!!!
~Silver Silence 89
"I am wearing pink."
^.^ I love it, this story is moving fantastically!
*chuckle* Let the games begin! This is a lovely story. Thanks for the quick updates.
LOL she is wearing pink, lets hope sesshomaru get to dee it
I think this is your best story yet!
Sora-chan (Chapter 7) - Fri 27 Nov 2009
*phew* I knew it wasnt as bad as it sounded. Crisis averted! Christams party!!!!! Now THAT is going to be an interesting feeling provoking night. i just know it! I can't wait!!!! and I love that Yamamotsu thought he had one up on Sesshou and our hunk just "you really thought i didnt know? psssh nigga pleassee" LOL
Oh my! I hope you updated soon!
much love!
Ah, now I see why Kagome doesn't try to open up more around Sesshoumaru. She was hoping if they kept it all business then she wouldn't ever feel compelled to tell him about herself and her past, not that I could see anything wrong with what she and her friends did to help get through college. You can't help what perverted minds will believe. I just knew there was something going to happen, but it's a shame that it had to be revealed by some lech that worked with Sesshoumaru. I only hope this guy can be kept from messing up Sesshoumaru's working conditions. Some employers can be really difficult when they see a potential problem. All it takes is one bad seed to cause a man career and hard earned reputation to come into question... JEN
It's good to see that Kagome is feeling more at ease around Sesshoumaru. I picture him as being extremely uptight and all business like. It wasn't in her job description to cook for him too but what a bonus when you come home exhausted. It looks like he's trying to engage her in a little conversation than usual but she's seems to hold back. I like how seeing Kagome with another man made him jealous, although he wouldn't use that word. Those sparks seem to be growing even though both try to keep it low key and professional and Souta still acts like any little brother would when he thinks there's something lovey dovey maybe going on, even if it isn't. He doesn't want any guy hurting or using his sister and he's going to stand up and let the guy know it. Too bad he doesn't realize Kagome is a big girl and can take care of herself. I loved the discussion after the concert. Kids can put adults in the most uncomfortable positions without even knowing it. I think being called lovely is quite a compliment, Sesshoumaru handled that very well. Kagome seemed to faulter though. I think even I'd have a hard time with that one but picking attractive was playing it safe and giving him something to comtemplate. JEN
I just wanted to let you know that this is now one of my favourite WIP stories :) I like the way it's mainly from Sesshoumaru's POV and how he is slowly discovering more about her character (albeit he's often a jerk about it). I can't wait to see what happens at the office function!
autumngold (Chapter 7) - Fri 27 Nov 2009
Thank goodness Kagome's "sin" wasn't nearly as bad as I pictured it. Boy do I feel bad for having such a dirty mind. I'm just glad that Kagome didn't get fired because of her calendar. But is it a good idea to take her to the Christmas party? How will his boss' react if they have seen the calendar? And if Yamomotsu is there he will make sure they do. Can't wait for more!
She has self-control if all she could say was attractive... great chapter, I look forward to the rest!
She has self-control if all she could say was attractive... great chapter, I look forward to the rest!
Poor Sesshoumaru, feeling so awkward at first. There goes Rin again saying the darnest things, with the help of Shippo this time. I can only imagine catching Kagome alone and saying something like "Attractive, am I?" haha. Can't wait for more, I love it.
autumngold (Chapter 6) - Thu 26 Nov 2009
Why am I worried that Kagome was a prostitute or a call-girl? Please don't let her past be anything that makes Sesshoumaru keep Rin away from her. I'm curious what she did in the past that was so bad. Thank you for the update! Have a very Happy Thanksgiving!
Sora-chan (Chapter 6) - Thu 26 Nov 2009
oh kids! I love how Rin put them on the spot like that. haha, the feelings have begun to show their heads, yes! I like how it starts really with Sesshou and not Kags, while we know that she felt something when their eyes connected in chap 5, HE's feeling jealous because he saw her come home with a guy.
I really hope souta doesnt mess this up! And just WHAT were they talking about?!! what did Kags do that she didnt have to! It sounds bad, but I have a feeling its not as bad as you want us to think it is
I cant wait for the next chapter!
much love!
That was lovely. Rin was so cute. Please continue and have a happy Thanksgiving.
I'm picturing Kagome like Fran Fine on The Nanny. It is just so wrong of me! I've always thought the word "lovely" was lovely. It's such a cool sounding word. I think I'd rather be called that than anything else. Never gonna happen though....
I think Sesshy must be human. Does he look as young as in the anime? I can't wait to find out why he is SO neurotic...
Sora-chan (Chapter 5) - Wed 25 Nov 2009
yaaay an update my heart lept at seeing it XD. Its good that against her better judgement she gave him the cold shoulder, he totally deserved that! and hes lucky she didnt hold out longer than she had! Bust shes now Rin's caretaker and one step closer to being her new mother!!!!!
Please update sooon!
much love!
I'm glad Kagome didn't just say yes when he first asked. Any one should and would be hurt by the things he said to her and about her. Things he had no justifacation in saying. Kagome may be forgiving but that kind of hurt would give me pause to work for him too. And then there's the smile and excitement of a child that you just know you can't turn away from...I had a few of those when I work in DayCare. Children are amazing little creatures created to turn our adult lives upside down and inside out! Oh, and that reaction to the meeting of his eyes? Hmm, yes, that happened to me when I met my husband. We had watched each other at work for several weeks but at our first contact...I felt like my heart stopped and I couldn't breathe...ah, yes, I remember it well. It does happen, sometimes. Scary... JEN
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